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When was the last time that you got excited over a new City manager ?

Major Isewater

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McInnes I was really positive about as a lot of us were worried we'd end up with Mark Robins at the time.

Both McInnes and SOD talked very good games. SOD especially if you wanted to talk tactics and such like came across very impressively but they both failed. With McInnes I'm still baffled as to what went wrong as he started pretty well but then once we started to go into a bad spell he couldn't get us out of it.

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The sooner the club sits up and takes notice of this forum the better. I cannot BELIEVE that the thread starter has nearly 10,000 posts in just 2 and a half years, and STILL the board refuse to acknowledge his expertise and experience. It's a ******* travesty. The law of averages dictates that at least 4% of posts must carry something of value or merit, so a ratio of 0.05% is not to be sniffed at. To overlook this prodigious contribution is nothing less than criminal. 


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