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Pity We're Not Playing Derby's Donkeys Next....

Jack Dawe

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....they look shot and ready for the knacker's yard. MK Dons on the other hand, they are running into some form. Not sure about next week. Looks tricky. 

But of our 15 remaining games, 4 are against top 6 sides (Hull away, Brighton Weds and Derby at home) and the rest against 9th placed Cardiff or teams lower than them. With our performances against Brum and Ipswich we have nothing to fear and every reason to believe.

Blackburn v Fulham Tues evening. Any result there we can spin positively. 

What a turnaround


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Hull failed to beat us and we scored against them after donkeys minutes of not conceding. We do the double v Boro and now we have taken 4 points from Ipswich, all teams up there, yet when we went to Derby, we treated them like they were on a par to Barcleona, set out not to lose and as soon as we conceded we were stuffed and gave up the ghost. I am still baffled by this, especially as Derby are showing they are more on a par with Barnet. I was a fan of SC but started to seriously doubt him with the way we set up against them and showed them far too much respect.

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