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Has the bubble burst?

The Exiled Robin

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My latest blog post for the Bristol Post, focusing on Tuesday night's defeat against Brighton and suggesting they might well be 'the model' we should be following over the next few seasons


What do you think, reasonable expectations or pie in the sky? Comments and thoughts welcome as always


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I'm not so sure it's the bubble bursting, as you and pretty much everyone who was at the game have said, we just came across a very good football team on a very good night for them

As for should they be the model to follow, absolutely. Another well run club, making the most from the advantages of having a new ground. The list of experienced, Championship footballers says it all. That is what we need here, simple as that

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You make a valid point with 50% of the defence from our good (all be it short) run missing. If Vyner had been at left back he would have had JB helping out and covering, something that LF doesn't do. I thought the majority of the team were off the pace, and Brighton were good and well drilled. They spotted our potential weak spot and exploited it very well. I have said before that pre-match we should try and  not to get ahead of ourselves. A timely wake up rather than a pop, it shows how far we need to go to match a top half Championship side who are really at it.  First half domination Vs both Brum and Ipswich started me thinking we can compete, along with the win over M'boro showed we can be good and maybe should be higher, but you still have to earn it. I'm still optimistic, not just about staying up but also about next year. 

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Not had time to read yet but personally i prefer we follow nobody's model but our own. Every club is different and i think that means each club requires a different set of tools and keys to achieve its aims.

I think football in general has been in a bubble since the day Notts County were formed.  

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2 hours ago, 1960maaan said:

You make a valid point with 50% of the defence from our good (all be it short) run missing. If Vyner had been at left back he would have had JB helping out and covering, something that LF doesn't do. I thought the majority of the team were off the pace, and Brighton were good and well drilled. They spotted our potential weak spot and exploited it very well. I have said before that pre-match we should try and  not to get ahead of ourselves. A timely wake up rather than a pop, it shows how far we need to go to match a top half Championship side who are really at it.  First half domination Vs both Brum and Ipswich started me thinking we can compete, along with the win over M'boro showed we can be good and maybe should be higher, but you still have to earn it. I'm still optimistic, not just about staying up but also about next year. 

i thought LF did make a couple of very good first half clearances in the penalty area,one of which would have been a penalty shout if slightly mistimed. i didnt go a bundle on what appeared to be a mouthful of verbal at the youngster but i could be very wrong there.

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3 minutes ago, redsquirrel said:

i thought LF did make a couple of very good first half clearances in the penalty area,one of which would have been a penalty shout if slightly mistimed. i didnt go a bundle on what appeared to be a mouthful of verbal at the youngster but i could be very wrong there.

Absolutely agree on the first part. 

No idea what the second part means!

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1 minute ago, redsquirrel said:

i thought LF did make a couple of very good first half clearances in the penalty area,one of which would have been a penalty shout if slightly mistimed. i didnt go a bundle on what appeared to be a mouthful of verbal at the youngster but i could be very wrong there.

You're probably right, just over the game he didn't offer enough cover to the youngster. I know it's not his game, and he may not have been told to , but against a very good winger I think Ayling or Little would have liked a bit of support.

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Damn shame we couldn't have had Tavenier in that right back role. Then again i suppose SC wasn't in the market for a RB in his formation. 

Great experience for Zach, but at a cost unfortunately, so hopefully Ayling is just a couple of weeks away from selection.

On another point .. We must be going through an awful lot of that muscle tape having seen Little, Flint, Smith, Wilbraham & Freeman wearing it recently.

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Problem was not really freeman not getting back, you could see when little came on he had a far better sense of how to deal with Murphy, he stood off him by a yard which meant he had to commit to either going down the line or cut in. Either way little could track him. Vyner was far too close, which is just lack of nouse and experience. He needs to watch older hands play and follow suit, 

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