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Glastonbury - Is advice possible?


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only ever went once - and can hardly remember it but I think Hawkwind were the main act - and I can't even remember buying a ticket - it was a little trippy and not that many people or facilities - time moves on and now my lad is going for the first time this year and asked for some fatherly advice - but what do I know? It has now become a major event and I suspect everything he will need (or doesn't need) will be on sale - when I went I recall nature provided the main open air toilet facilities and no doubt now the domestics are a little better or is it 3 - 5 days of not washing and trying not to need a loo!


Like I said - it is just go and see and experience or are there any tips for a modern Glasto?

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16 minutes ago, Phileas Fogg said:

Everything you need will be there, even phone charging tents. Take more money than you could ever imagine spending on food though, it's outrageously expensive there.

:laugh: - Bank of Dad methinks

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I'd recommend taking your own alchohol and snacks. The food is expensive but you will only be eating once or twice a day, so a few bags of crisp and things like that will be sound. Pack lightly aswell, you'll have a hell of a walk to your camping spot. We took loads of stuff the first time and it was a nightmare lugging it in and out, especially if the ground is wet. The usual things id take is; wet wipes, toilet roll, warm and wet weather clothes plus a good pair of wellys. If it is raining or wet ground which is highly likely, your wellys are your best friend, so i'd break them in before hand and pay for a bit of quality.

Alchohol isnt cheap, so i'd take, for example, a crate of something, plus a bottle of spirits. It isnt so bad if you are only buying a few pints a day rather than the whole lot! Water is pretty cheap so dont worry about that, I'd also take a towel and a shower gel for a quick rinse under the taps in the morning! Does the world of good.

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1 hour ago, Lita For Congo said:

I'd recommend taking your own alchohol and snacks. The food is expensive but you will only be eating once or twice a day, so a few bags of crisp and things like that will be sound. Pack lightly aswell, you'll have a hell of a walk to your camping spot. We took loads of stuff the first time and it was a nightmare lugging it in and out, especially if the ground is wet. The usual things id take is; wet wipes, toilet roll, warm and wet weather clothes plus a good pair of wellys. If it is raining or wet ground which is highly likely, your wellys are your best friend, so i'd break them in before hand and pay for a bit of quality.

Alchohol isnt cheap, so i'd take, for example, a crate of something, plus a bottle of spirits. It isnt so bad if you are only buying a few pints a day rather than the whole lot! Water is pretty cheap so dont worry about that, I'd also take a towel and a shower gel for a quick rinse under the taps in the morning! Does the world of good.

Endorse this, but worth noting there are property lock-ups dotted around the site, where for a minimal fee nice people will look after your excess baggage to prevent you having to be a beast of burden. 

Also, the least hideous loos are in the Green Fields, and the best beer tent is in the acoustic field.

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I first went as a teenager in the 90s (jumping the fence for the day usually) and then I went back in 2011 after a long absence and went for the next 3. Would still be going if didn't have a young one myself.  There are a lot of people who will say bad things about the festival who've never even been. Also the weather is never as bad as they press like to make out. They simply have photographers wondering round praying for mud and rain. Things have changed a lot since the 90s. For sure it's more commercialised and bigger but also a lot safer.

2011 I was almost like a newbe again. I guess few things I learnt and LFC has already touched on a few. Go light - I managed to pack all my stuff into a good quality rucksack and then carried my tent separately. I took clothes, small gas stove and a themarest mattress roll (most expensive thing but totally worth it) - I took a few ready meals bought from go outdoors which saved a few quid. I'm not a big drinker so carrying booze wasn't too much of an issue. If I did I'd probably pull it on a sack truck.

Go Wednesday. Simply put everyone seems to go early on weds now. This can mean queuing at 4:30am but if you want a pitch that's not 20 minutes walk from the main stages/areas you need to be there then.

Ive always managed to roughly spend no more than £200 from Weds to Mon. Food is the biggest factor if you buy it all you'll easily spent 30 quid a day. Add booze on top and gets messy.

Ive never warn wellies. Good, waterproof, quality walking boots are just as good and 1000x easier on your feet. Consider you walk sometimes up to 10 miles a day it's a godsend. Chuck in some walking socks and you can laugh at everyone else.

Dont plan too much. You'll never see everything you want. You won't get from Pyramid to Other stage in evening without it being a crush for 20 mins.

Wednesday is a cracking day to socialise with not a lot else going on. Meet your mates at the cider bus in the afternoon. For some reason it's always sunny on weds afternoon. Also stone circle by nighttime.. Great bonfire and fireworks on the weds night. Watch out for the people smacked out of their faces on balloons and ket tho.

Make sure you do the late night corner and expirenece the Arcadia opening show at least once.

Oh and if Biggles war time band are on the bandstand go and watch them on the weds/Thurs. hilarious jug band

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