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Bristol Sport Merchandise Quality (or lack of)


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Has anyone really noticed the poor quality of the products being produced by Bristol Sport,

My 6 year old sons kits are not great but the worse product which was bought for him at Christmas was the Purple and Lime Zip up top which cost about 40 odd quid from memory. He has worn it of course but it's shocking quality - bobbles etc and looks "3 years old rather than 3 months old"!

Time for the Bristol Sort brand to look at the quality of products being sold. I would rather pay an extra tenner and have quality BCFC adidas leisurewear for my lad. That's very unlikely to happen, now Bristol Sport are producing their own products (at low cost and quality it would seem!)


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I purchased a hoodie for my little sister in February and the quality was pretty poor. The club badge looked like it had been painted and then smudged before being sewn on. Think it was the best part of £40 and I was very disappointed with it. Shame really as the club took the decision to go it alone but they really need to ensure the quality is comparable with the major brands

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