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Summer clear out


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7 hours ago, Super said:

Certainly not knocking the players but we need far better quality in all areas of the pitch.

I'm all for quality. We could improve on Pack but I think the same for Smith. It will cost to better either of them IMO. We talk about Dack and Gilbey on here. Neither are definitely better than Smith or Pack but yet we didn't get bids accepted. 

More or less what I'm saying is I'd rather spend and strengthen other positions first. Winger and CB come to mind first and foremost and that's if we sign Tomlin and Matthews. If not we have more holes to fill and replacing Pack or Smith becomes almost impossible. I haven't seen many o would replace Pack with this year with both his size and skill set. We saw one last night. Think it was Thorne. Meyler or Huddlestone come to mind as well. Maybe Diagoura(spelling?) from Leeds. There aren't many that combine decent ball skills, passing and defending on top of being 6'1" or 6'2". 

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On 20 April 2016 at 11:57, PFree said:

Apologies if this has already been covered but now that we are all but safe, I wondered what other fans thoughts are, for me:

Keepers - O' Donnell (1) and Fielding (2) are okay at this level, I'm just not sure if Fielding will stay as a number 2.

Defenders - I'd keep Mark Little, Adam Matthews, Scott Golbourne and Aden Flint but would let Baker go (seems all Villa in mind and preference and little desire to stay with us). I like Luke Ayling but not sure what's gone on there or if he fits into little Lee's system but would let Derrick Williams (seems he's become a bit-part player) go and Alex Pearce can return to his club.

Midfielders - I'd keep (sign) Lee Tomlin (but would work on his fitness in the summer), Korey Smith (for me our best all round player), Joe Bryan (but he needs to step up as he's being left behind, for me he urgently needs direct coaching as next season will see him develop or drop down a level), keep Bobby Reid (but build him up in the summer please) but I'd let Pack go (excellent work ethic but lacks touch, awareness and ability at this level - good Division One player for me but nothing more), I'd also let Waggy go as the consistency isn't there (although it might be because he gets so little pitch time), For Freeman it's hard as he was one of my favourite players but he seems lost at this level and has no end product.

Attackers - would love to see Odemwingie stay (he'll add a great deal providing he plays regularly and sharpens up), keep Kodjia (but offer him direct coaching as there's a lot wrong with his game) but let Wilbs go ASAP (great club man but the sell by date has gone, no idea why we offered another year's contract unless his contract triggered it), I'd also let Agard go as whilst he's done okay, he's never shown consistency.

And I'd build around the players mentioned - mix of youth, commitment and desire but also some experience as seldom do teams succeed purely upon youth.

There are a few other players listed on the team like Garita but have no idea on those!

:yawn: Thoughts?

How can you say Waggy is inconsistent?! Doesn't get a look in really. And Pack has probably been the most consistent midfield performer this season, well up to Championship standard....

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Players who SHOULD move on:

Mark Little

Derrick Williams

Scott Wagstaff

Kieran Agard

Karleigh Osborne

Adam El-Abd

Frank Fielding

Players who MAY leave due to interest from other clubs:

Aden Flint

Korey Smith

Jonathan Kodjia

After loan players have left, and the above possibly move on. Current squad would look like:

Luke Ayling

Richard O'Donnell

Scott Golbourne

Bobby Reid

Luke Freeman

Aaron Wilbraham

Arnold Garita

Marlon Pack

Joe Bryan

Zak Vyner

Jojo Wollacott

Joe Morrell

Wes Burns

Max O'Leary



Well, what ever way you look at it. We definitely should be looking busy this summer. I say should rather than expect because you never know what happens at this club.



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On 20 April 2016 at 12:03, Red-Robbo said:

Would be a big mistake to let Pack go.

I'm not sure Odenwingie has lived up to his promise. Was totally anonymous last night after he came on. He'll be on a significant wedge too - can't see him here in 16/17.

Pack was our best player on Tuesday. As underrated as smith is overrated. If smith is so good then why is our record without him playing, better than with him? Ipswich away draw Forrest away win- Fulham away win, etc etc. He looks good because he beats players and tackles and blocks well. But he is far slower at releasing the ball than he should be and consistently slows down attacks through overplay and gets caught in possession by the better players. 

Im not saying he's a bad player just massively overrated on this site, whereas pack is underrated. He gets the team into attack quickly by quick accurate passing and is better on the ball coming forward than smith as he can spot a pass in advance and is better at one touch football. Yes he is capable of ricks, but so is any player. 

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On 20 April 2016 at 11:57, PFree said:

Apologies if this has already been covered but now that we are all but safe, I wondered what other fans thoughts are, for me:

Keepers - O' Donnell (1) and Fielding (2) are okay at this level, I'm just not sure if Fielding will stay as a number 2.

Defenders - I'd keep Mark Little, Adam Matthews, Scott Golbourne and Aden Flint but would let Baker go (seems all Villa in mind and preference and little desire to stay with us). I like Luke Ayling but not sure what's gone on there or if he fits into little Lee's system but would let Derrick Williams (seems he's become a bit-part player) go and Alex Pearce can return to his club.

Midfielders - I'd keep (sign) Lee Tomlin (but would work on his fitness in the summer), Korey Smith (for me our best all round player), Joe Bryan (but he needs to step up as he's being left behind, for me he urgently needs direct coaching as next season will see him develop or drop down a level), keep Bobby Reid (but build him up in the summer please) but I'd let Pack go (excellent work ethic but lacks touch, awareness and ability at this level - good Division One player for me but nothing more), I'd also let Waggy go as the consistency isn't there (although it might be because he gets so little pitch time), For Freeman it's hard as he was one of my favourite players but he seems lost at this level and has no end product.

Attackers - would love to see Odemwingie stay (he'll add a great deal providing he plays regularly and sharpens up), keep Kodjia (but offer him direct coaching as there's a lot wrong with his game) but let Wilbs go ASAP (great club man but the sell by date has gone, no idea why we offered another year's contract unless his contract triggered it), I'd also let Agard go as whilst he's done okay, he's never shown consistency.

And I'd build around the players mentioned - mix of youth, commitment and desire but also some experience as seldom do teams succeed purely upon youth.

There are a few other players listed on the team like Garita but have no idea on those!

:yawn: Thoughts?

Agree about the keepers.

Disagree about keeping Little, not good enough for me. Ayling is one of my fav players and I really hope we keep him.

Id agree about building Reid up over the summer but was assured on here the other day that it's near enough impossible to build up an endurance athlete over 3 months, that's right near enough IMPOSSIBLE.

Absolutely amazed at your comments about Pack lacking touch and awareness, for me those are 2 of his biggest strengths. 

Agree about Agard :thumbsup:


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What is apparent is there are no arguments against the promoted players having been given a chance in this league. It is clear that a few have not cut the mustard and have shown their level being that of league one standard.

on this basis, IMO, the players to move on should be el abd, Williams, Osbourne, freeman, little, Agard, wagstaff.

players who have shown ability but are only the borderline and could be replaced for better but would be happy to keep are pack, Reid, ayling, fielding, burns.

must keep players are of course Bryan, smith, flint, kodjia, o'donnell.

loanees that are a must sign are tomlin and Matthews.

not fussed about baker and odemwingie.

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  • O'Donnell - Keep 
  • Fielding - Keep, or if he wants first team football and sell to replace with a suitable #2, Stephen Henderson potentially for example.
  • O'Leary - Loan Out, get him some experience of regular 1st team action with a recall option should RO'D or FF get injured.


  • Mark Little - Sell, ineffective in a back 4, his defensive liabilities could be covered in 532 but not anymore.
  • Luke Ayling - Keep, good back up, able to play RB and CB
  • Aden Flint - Keep, sell if we can extort some team for £6m if reports of premier league interest is true
  • Derrick Williams - Keep, for now at any rate, after loans have gone he would be first choice left sided centre back
  • Scott Golbourne - Keep, only just arrived and settling in well
  • Adam El-Abd - Sell or if we can't offload him loan out again to at least free up some wages
  • Karleigh Osborne - Same as El-Abd


  • Korey Smith - Keep, but similar to Flint, if his head gets turned make a team pay over the odds as we have no need to sell him
  • Marlon Pack - Keep, has developed well over the course of the season and seems a first team regular by choice rather than necessity now
  • Luke Freeman - Sell if possible, while we have a thin squad he will need to be kept around, however if we can add names and then find a team to buy him for a reasonable price moving Luke on could be worse. Maybe as a make weight for a player in L1 we want like Dack, Winnall etc potentially.
  • Bobby Reid - Keep, showing flashes of the potential to be a good player at this level
  • Scott Wagstaff - Keep, if he's happy to remain as a squad player/sub filling in when required then we should keep him, not many people are happy to be in this role and still seem as willing and committed and he does.
  • Joe Bryan - Keep, however shouldn't be used as a left back, his best position seems to be LW


  • Kodjia - Keep if possible, bids in the region of £6m plus could start to become hard to turn down but shouldn't be sold for anything less than £6m with add ons as that was what Gray was sold for last summer and JK has the chance to net more than he did already being level.
  • Wilbraham - Keep, 1 year left now, potentially useful target man to chuck on late in games, also a good influence to have around the club, no extension after this year unless he somehow nets 10 plus.
  • Agard - Sell, I'm sure some league 1 team would be very interested in adding him and could be worth £500,000 - £1,000,000, like Freeman we could try using him in part exchange.
  • Burns - Keep, give him a chance around first team through pre season and into start of next season, if he fails to impress a league 1 team will probably be happy to have him given how he's done for Fleetwood.
  • Garita - ? Unknown quality, unless anyone has watched him playing reserves. Whether keeping him for U21's or loaning him out I would trust LJ's opinion.

Players we've loaned in:

  • Baker - Wages are rumoured to be £20k per week (us paying half atm), contracted to 2019 with Villa, so unless they need to cash in on him and he's willing to take a big pay cut we're unlikely to see him in a City shirt next season.
  • Pearce - 2 years left at Derby, doubt we saw him anywhere near his best, but unlikely to know. Would be unlikely to cost much to buy from Derby should LJ want him back.
  • Matthews - Could depend on Sunerland, if they drop they may see him as a good player to keep next season, if they survive all the chance we could see him back next season. Cost Sunderland £2m last summer, would be surprised if he were to cost more than £1m if he were to leave.
  • Gladwin - Given how quickly he was injured we didn't get to see much of him, don't be surprised to see QPR wanting to offload him this summer so maybe a cut price deal if we think he could be a useful squad addition if not a regular 1st XI player.
  • Tomlin - Publicly said if he has no first team future at Bournemouth he will leave, a player who enjoys regular football which he knows he would get with us, however would likely face competition from other teams in the league for his signature, if we have the chance to sign him it should be taken. Cost Bournemouth £3m, imagine they may be willing to sell for £1.5m.
  • Odemwingie - Out of contract come the summer, however very likely to receive offers from bigger teams then us, wages are also likely to be quite high, however with no transfer fee a justification could be made that the higher wages could then be covered, would be a quality addition for next season if we could manage it.
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I've been surprised that many have their doubts about Williams considering squad size. I defeinately think he's similar to Ayling in that he can cover both the left CB spot and LB(if needed but would rather Golbourne and Bryan ahead of him). He's still only what? 23? He's comfortable on the ball and a good athlete. For me, keep him but unless he's still not 100% fit than I guess LJ doesn't fancy him. 

For me, I'm keeping everyone except for El-Abd, Osbourne, Little and Agard. The first two are obvious. Little is third string at best and can't play anywhere else. Agard is a good option but I'd rather that option be Wes at this point and even Garita as a fourth option if we need. Not proven but rather he on the bench getting some match day experience than paying Agard his most likely higher wage to do the same. 

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