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Tinman Doubters

Martyn Hocking

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In the three weeks he has been in charge I have heard more commonsense - and seen more positive action - from Tinnion than I saw/heard from Danny in the whole of last season.

We finally have a manager in charge who can see what the supporters saw for the whole of last term - that we were punchless up front and needed a goal-scoring midfielder - and is prepared to do something about it.

The signing of Heffernan, to be followed shortly by the signing of a second striker and a new midfielder, directly address the shortcomings of the team in 2003-4 - well done BT!

The fact that the manager has persuaded the board to take decisive action in this area confirms that he has real clout at AG - he is not just a 'cheap option' as some fools have suggested - and confirms that the board under Steve Lansdown remains committed to getting BCFC promoted sooner rather than later.

Make no mistake - next season is not going to be one of consolidation. The target is automatic promotion, and the real prize is the Championship. BT is building a team capable of achieving those goals. Who is going to stop us? Hull, Walsall, Swindon, Tranmere - decent teams maybe, but they are not world beaters.

Those who filled this forum with 'stories' about Danny Coles and Tommy D being sold off have gone awfully quiet - far from witnessing the break-up of the squad he inherited, BT is strengthening. Peacock out, Heffernan in. Good move! 4-4-2 replaced by 3-5-2 - that will do nicely!

Bring on the new season - the memory of Cardiff, and the pain that defeat inflicted on me is fading faster than I would have thought possible. We are going up.


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I think the whole forum has gone fairly quiet - because its the summer !

And I agree with big man stu - judge him on results - saying he's brilliant now is just as foolish as saying he's the cheap option. Until the season starts its impossible to tell. Anyone can talk a good talk.

Don't forget Danny signed a striker and a midfielder last season too - signing new players doesnt guarantee you success.

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I'm still here .... got a problem with that?

I don't want Tinnion to fail......... and most of the people that have expressed doubt or reservations have said the same but time will tell.

What true Bristol City supporter would want anything but the best for our club?

It does not mean you have to agree with everything that comes out of the club does it????? :whistle:

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Guest LeicesterRed

Most of us are behind the club 100%, and as Tins is manager he`s getting plenty of support, even from people who were doubters.

All that matters is this club does well next season. I`m hopeful and I`m sure most City fans are

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Guest Cyprus_Red

youve made some good points well red but lets just hope it go's right for tinman and bristol city and we get out of this division

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Guest Spike

It could go either way though.

Supporters often disagree with the managers decisions and are proved wrong by managers.... sometimes a manager who's heart is in a game blinds him from seeing what really needs to be seen.

I dont doubt in Tinnion but I think 20 games into the season we will know where we stand and see if Tinnions changes really are as good as they sound in text

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Guest Spike
10 games is a good marker for how well a team is doing. After 10 games most teams have all played people from various postitons within the league.
We have had a really bad start after 10 games before and still managed to have a good season... I say give it 20 lol
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I aint a Tinnion fan or a Tinnion doubter but all i say is lets see where we are after 10 games- we should have a more realistic view on things then

Sorry but that is ludicris. You can't judge him on 10 games.

Sounds like John Ward all over again! Give Tinnion the season, although I fail to see how he is going to win us promotion. But we'll see...

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Guest Were dreamers
I aint a Tinnion fan or a Tinnion doubter but all i say is lets see where we are after 10 games- we should have a more realistic view on things then
Big man stu, you talk sence.

A season of toil i think :whistle:

I reckon we will be looking at no more than a 8th-10th place finish.

Even me buddy from the dolman, anit sure if hes getting his season tickets. :dunno:

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How do you discribe a Tinnion doubter?

Questions asked about his appt & how & why he got the job have been well published.

For all the doubts & concerns, Tinnion should get the support of all fans come kick off - as he is now in control of the destiny of our beloved club.

Gamble - YES, but one I hope is right for BCFC.

Fact is that none of know what will happen come Aug 7th, but one thing I do know is that if we don't get up next season,then the gamble had failed & the doubters would be out in force.

It will be interesting to see,how quickly Tinnion will get stick if things go pear shaped & from which quarters.But lets be positive & believe its going to be a magical season. :city:

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Guest RedHotCityPepper

I think that the Tinnion doubters have stopped saying as much is that there is nothing left to say.

They've made their point and do not want to repeat themselves over and over just to make sure that everyone knows that they don't believe in him.

Wait until the season starts and they will come back out of the woodwork.

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Gamble - YES, but one I hope is right for BCFC.

I can't see it as a gamble to appoint from within, unless we believe that the club is a house of cards. Continuity is the name of the game with this appointment - we missed out on promotion by the narrowest of margins, and didn't need to rip the whole place up and start again.

If we had brought in a manager from outside they would have asked for time to bed in before delivering promotion. Tinman hasn't done that - he and the board have made it clear that they are aiming for automatic promotion in his first year in charge - and preferably the Championship.

Once again the board has backed the manager with hard cash - all the talk about having to sell off key players has been dispelled by the arrival of Heffernan, with two more players to come (one, apparently, at a cost of £200,000+ if reports are to be believed).

If Maclean is the other signing that would give us two new players who notched 48 goals between them last term - our entire squad only scored 58 goals in total in the league.

Add to that a creative goal scorer and we are looking at a mouth-watering prospect.

I don't expect us to be top from Day One - it will take a few games for the new boys to bed in - but I do expect us to go up this time.


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