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Alan Nixon

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Anyone else follow him on Twitter? Must admit don't know much about his background or know ITK he claims be.

Find that it's the same set of fans from the same clubs asking about the same players to which he gives the same responses. 

'They might be interested in this player'

'Will need to make an offer'

'Might be something in the paper tomorrow' 

Anyone know much about him? How he seems to talk like he is in the know but at the same time very vague about things? 

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He's a back page journalist for the mirror, probably knows more than the average fan but not enough to take his word as gospel. Got Hammill wrong and thought that Magnesson deal wasn't close (he said this yesterday). But he has got some right but most of the ones he got right were largely known by most.

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5 minutes ago, Iron Man said:

He's a back page journalist for the mirror, probably knows more than the average fan but not enough to take his word as gospel. Got Hammill wrong and thought that Magnesson deal wasn't close (he said this yesterday). But he has got some right but most of the ones he got right were largely known by most.

TBF I don`t think the Hamill thing can really be used as a stick to beat anyone with. I really do believe he was all but signed but Barnsley offered him a better deal at the 11th hour.

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4 minutes ago, Red Right Hand said:

TBF I don`t think the Hamill thing can really be used as a stick to beat anyone with. I really do believe he was all but signed but Barnsley offered him a better deal at the 11th hour.

He did say he signed a pre contract in late May. I'm pretty sure he was utterly convinced by it.

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He's very pally with several agents and managers, mainly based in the North West. Therefore there are certain deals, that he'll be pretty clued up on. However for others he'll know about as much as most of us on here, i.e. not a lot.

He also has a reputation in the industry of being more willing than most to stick his neck out on a story, so he gets the odd juicy one spot on, but is equally as likely to be left looking silly. 

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47 minutes ago, Iron Man said:

He's a back page journalist for the mirror, probably knows more than the average fan but not enough to take his word as gospel. Got Hammill wrong and thought that Magnesson deal wasn't close (he said this yesterday). But he has got some right but most of the ones he got right were largely known by most.

Thought his words about Magnusson were that we were also looking at others, which ultimately is probably still the case seeing as we are short on CBs

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1 hour ago, Northern Red said:

He's very pally with several agents and managers, mainly based in the North West. Therefore there are certain deals, that he'll be pretty clued up on. However for others he'll know about as much as most of us on here, i.e. not a lot.

He also has a reputation in the industry of being more willing than most to stick his neck out on a story, so he gets the odd juicy one spot on, but is equally as likely to be left looking silly. 

I think you sum him up perfectly.

He responds to most.  In fact AS has been fine this window.  I think he got a rough ride with Cotts, seems much more at ease with City, and there has been some good banter on Twitter, mainly good spirited.

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2 hours ago, formerly known as ivan said:

Anyone else follow him on Twitter? Must admit don't know much about his background or know ITK he claims be.

Find that it's the same set of fans from the same clubs asking about the same players to which he gives the same responses. 

'They might be interested in this player'

'Will need to make an offer'

'Might be something in the paper tomorrow' 

Anyone know much about him? How he seems to talk like he is in the know but at the same time very vague about things? 

It's Russell Grant.  Had to give up on the horoscopes when everyone twigged it was a load of guff.  People will believe anything in the transfer window though.

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Didn't someone make up a name to which he replied "Heard a few clubs are looking at him" or something like that :clapping:

What irritates me is the city fans asking the same questions 10 times a day, just search the players name/nixons and you'll see all of his previous replies, usually from the same day.

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10 minutes ago, formerly known as ivan said:

Asked on Twitter today if there is anything about us in the paper tomorrow to which he replied 'Yes' and it's to do with a target of ours rather than someone potentially leaving.

Could be the Abraham thing I guess. Anyone by a Sunday paper to find out?

He works for the mirror. We got a few nutters on here but they are not that loopy to buy that rag

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He's pretty accurate with us, he called Lee Johnson the day before. He called Tomlins medical. He said we were in for the french guy that went to Bournemouth. He said we were in for canos. 

He has a good idea about what's going on and if he's says were in for someone it's probably true.

hes one of the few on Twitter that's worth listening to.

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25 minutes ago, SODS_LAW said:

He's pretty accurate with us, he called Lee Johnson the day before. He called Tomlins medical. He said we were in for the french guy that went to Bournemouth. He said we were in for canos. 

He has a good idea about what's going on and if he's says were in for someone it's probably true.

hes one of the few on Twitter that's worth listening to.

TBF - everyone knew about LJ the day before, everyone knew LT was having a medical, everyone knew we were in for Mousset and Canos.

None of these things he had the exclusive on though. 

No doubting he has a few contacts, but he is a journo just like Stockhausen, but with a few more contacts. 

He gets as many wrong as he does right, if not more, and is the King of suggestive non committal statements.


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8 minutes ago, Alessandro said:

TBF - everyone knew about LJ the day before, everyone knew LT was having a medical, everyone knew we were in for Mousset and Canos.

None of these things he had the exclusive on though. 

No doubting he has a few contacts, but he is a journo just like Stockhausen, but with a few more contacts. 

He gets as many wrong as he does right, if not more, and is the King of suggestive non committal statements.


Yes everyone knew because he said it first that's point.

80% of rumours that are on here are started because of something he tweets.


mawson today

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3 minutes ago, SODS_LAW said:

Yes everyone knew because he said it first that's point.

He absolutely did not, that is my point.

Sky broke the Tomlin medical, local Liverpool press broke Canos and French press broke Mousset. Talk of Lee Johnson broke from down south first, if I remember correctly. Irish sources broke O'Dowda.

He repeats rumours more often than not.

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9 minutes ago, SODS_LAW said:

Yes everyone knew because he said it first that's point.

80% of rumours that are on here are started because of something he tweets.


mawson today

80%? You couldn't be more wrong.

Mawson has been spoken about for months, not just today.

Nixon didn't break Tomlin, O'Dowda or Magnusson.

Nixon didn't break Abraham or Canos.

Are you Alan in disguise?!

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he clearly has links to agents and managers, he doesn't report a rumour jus because it's in another paper for example when somebody asked about magnusson he's said he wasn't sure and answered honestly that he would think we're not in for him because we're in for other CBs.

listen people can believe whoever they want it's part of the fun and games of the transfer windows but IMO he's a pretty realiable source.

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Truth is, I don't think he knows anything Bristol City or even asks about them. He's a northern team specialist. We don't have a southern team equivalent so we ask AN. He's good for putting rumours to bed. If it's a legit rumour he will make a comment on it. If not he will say he hasn't heard. His word shouldn't be taken as gospel. This particular rumour is from a Northern team so I am quite happy to believe we have bid for Mawson. He is quite vague at times and I think those can be up for interpretation. He doesn't know much about us and if the players we are chasing aren't from clubs north of Birmingham then he probably won't have much of a clue. 

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I said at the start of the window he knows no more than most. And he's yet to break anything that most didn't already know. He said he'd thought the Icelandic deal wasn't sorted, it was then announced. 

I just take what he says with a pinch of salt, along with all other reports 

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