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1 minute ago, Barrs Court Red said:

Yes. It's one of the best devices I've bought in recent years. 

Normally play Battlefield or Battlefront, with a heavy dose of GTA. Currently playing No Mans Sky.


Feel free to add me - OldlandRed

Are you serious??


Uncle TFR

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44 minutes ago, Welcome To The Jungle said:

Can't justify buying one still. Games were being released incomplete, with day one DLCs, pre-order extras and paying ridiculous amounts for further DLCs when I was still on 360. Although I'll get a PS4, I imagine it won't be till the next Elder Scrolls game.

There won't be a "new" elder scrolls for at least 3 years, by which time I suspect PS5 will be out - And its a much better idea to get it for PC, as the mod community make Bethseda games 100% better.

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27 minutes ago, Barrs Court Red said:

There won't be a "new" elder scrolls for at least 3 years, by which time I suspect PS5 will be out - And its a much better idea to get it for PC, as the mod community make Bethseda games 100% better.

Probably right there. However my budget is very low and I'd have to save a lot to get a decent gaming PC. TBH I'd have to save to get a PS4

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Just now, Welcome To The Jungle said:

Probably right there. However my budget is very low and I'd have to save a lot to get a decent gaming PC. TBH I'd have to save to get a PS4

Aye, I know what your saying. I reckon for a "decent" PC rig your looking at 1k easily, maybe slightly less if you already have a screen and speakers.

Mine needs replacing but if the Mrs found out id just spent that much she'd probably not be best pleased.

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2 hours ago, Barrs Court Red said:

They're two vastly different beasts, and the failure of steam boxes to take off just show that we're some way off PCs breaking out in to living rooms as the norm. 


steam box isn't a PC, you'd be surprised at the PC gaming market, consoles lag so far behind in terms of technology the PS4 is basically a 2003 PC, the other good thing is they are completely up-gradable,

the only use my PS4 controller gets is with my PC 

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1 hour ago, Monkeh said:

steam box isn't a PC, you'd be surprised at the PC gaming market, consoles lag so far behind in terms of technology the PS4 is basically a 2003 PC, the other good thing is they are completely up-gradable,

the only use my PS4 controller gets is with my PC 

What a ridiculous post.

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Sorry bud, I've completed mafia 3 and it feel somewhat unfinished by miles, there is no replay value what so ever, as the only way to replay certain missions you did enjoy is to start the game all over, for a game set in the 60s there not a motorcycle to be seen, no buses, no trains.

I stood on a sidewalk and literally punched dozens of pedestrians to death, threw the bodies over the wall and not one npc batted an eyelid, the police in the game are a joke, speed is unlimited, mow people down right next to a police car no reaction, have a police crash into your car and all hell breaks lose.

Have a shoot out with a rival gang and the police will only shot at you and totally ignore the other mob firing guns.


During missions just stand behind a doorway and whistle so one of the enemy hears you, he comes over, you bludgeon him to death, no one else bats an eyelid, the whistle again, eventually after 20 or so whistles only person left in the in the premises is your main target.

Most of the missions are repetitive although the story, cut scenes and voice acting is top notch, the game lack everything that made Mafia 2 such a great game.

verdict wait until a major update is brought out or wait for it to be in the bargain bin 6/10

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1 hour ago, IAmNick said:

I mean, he's right though, PCs are absolutely miles ahead in technology but often require more effort - whether that's worth it or not is personal preference though.

No, he's wrong. A PC in 2003 would be rocking a Pentium 4 and about 256mb RAM. 

The gap between console and PC now is utterly irrelevant. A top end PC will play a game on 4K at 60fps for the price of about £2k. The new PS4 pro or next years XBOX will do 4K at 30FPs for £400.  Most people won't spot the difference.  On the other hand that same PC probably won't play a AAA game on that setting because it's a lazy consol port - Take your pick from the many examples.

Each device occupies a different space, there's no real crossover as steam box shows - if there was it wouldn't have died while the two main consoles sell record amounts.

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2 minutes ago, Barrs Court Red said:

No, he's wrong. A PC in 2003 would be rocking a Pentium 4 and about 256mb RAM. 

The gap between console and PC now is utterly irrelevant. A top end PC will play a game on 4K at 60fps for the price of about £2k. The new PS4 pro or next years XBOX will do 4K at 30FPs for £400.  Most people won't spot the difference.  On the other hand that same PC probably won't play a AAA game on that setting because it's a lazy consol port - Take your pick from the many examples.

Each device occupies a different space, there's no real crossover as steam box shows - if there was it wouldn't have died while the two main consoles sell record amounts.

I built my PC for a fraction of that cost which will easily do that, I have no idea why you think a PC costs £2k - not to mention if I want to play next gen games I can just buy a new part every few years and I'm good to go, rather than an entire new console and entire new library of games to work on my new console which you also must factor in to the price. I assume by AAA game you are talking about lazy console FPS ports of CoD 27: Black ops down or something. Performance and cost wise PCs are clear winners - consoles win for a local social aspect which PCs don't have as natively.

Yeah the PS4 pro (a new console to buy!) or next years XBOX (another new console to buy!) can do what my PC can and has been able to do for quite a while now - and at a higher frame rate as you mention.

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9 hours ago, IAmNick said:

I built my PC for a fraction of that cost which will easily do that, I have no idea why you think a PC costs £2k - not to mention if I want to play next gen games I can just buy a new part every few years and I'm good to go, rather than an entire new console and entire new library of games to work on my new console which you also must factor in to the price. I assume by AAA game you are talking about lazy console FPS ports of CoD 27: Black ops down or something. Performance and cost wise PCs are clear winners - consoles win for a local social aspect which PCs don't have as natively.

Yeah the PS4 pro (a new console to buy!) or next years XBOX (another new console to buy!) can do what my PC can and has been able to do for quite a while now - and at a higher frame rate as you mention.

The 2k is an assumed cost, based on the price of a top end GPU and CPU without even starting to factor in other components. If it's cheaper then great, but no one I know is going to want to build their own PC - it would be an off the shelf job.

Your "new part" every few years is around the cost of a new console, again purely basing this on the cost of a worthwhile GPU. With a console your looking at a new replacement every 5/6 years and no compatibility or driver issues in the entire lifespan.

As for AAA games, despite your sneering Call of Duty jibe, issues have been extremely well documented in the last couple of year, Batman and am good few Ubisoft games come to mind.

As I have said, I have both and the occupy far different spaces. This isn't going to change any time soon.

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3 hours ago, Barrs Court Red said:

The 2k is an assumed cost, based on the price of a top end GPU and CPU without even starting to factor in other components. If it's cheaper then great, but no one I know is going to want to build their own PC - it would be an off the shelf job.

Your "new part" every few years is around the cost of a new console, again purely basing this on the cost of a worthwhile GPU. With a console your looking at a new replacement every 5/6 years and no compatibility or driver issues in the entire lifespan.

As for AAA games, despite your sneering Call of Duty jibe, issues have been extremely well documented in the last couple of year, Batman and am good few Ubisoft games come to mind.

As I have said, I have both and the occupy far different spaces. This isn't going to change any time soon.

Well it's still not close to 2k - and you certainly wouldn't need a very top end GPU or CPU. Maybe I am biased because I have built my own PCs, as it really is incredibly easily and I highly recommend it.

I buy a new GPU or CPU every 3 or 4 years probably, and I've almost never had compatibility or driver issues - at least not in the last ten years at least. I get your point though that consoles are more "out of the box" solutions.

Well... It is CoD ;) There have been a few port issues sure, although Ubisoft are notorious for being the worst of the worst and they do get fixed. I tend to try and not buy on release anyway these days as games are so expensive. I value the backwards compatibility and far far larger library of a wider variety of games enough - many of the games I play aren't available on consoles at all, and things like FPS games are inferior with a controller unfortunately. Controllers are better for actiony (dark souls) type games, sport/driving games, and platformy games in my experience - I have a couple of 360 pads I plug in to my PC.

I agree I doubt PCs will break into the "couch" gaming market in a serious way soon - although I have an HD projector hooked up to my PC (and an N64 emulator) so I have the best of both worlds!

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9 minutes ago, IAmNick said:

Well it's still not close to 2k - and you certainly wouldn't need a very top end GPU or CPU. Maybe I am biased because I have built my own PCs, as it really is incredibly easily and I highly recommend it.

I buy a new GPU or CPU every 3 or 4 years probably, and I've almost never had compatibility or driver issues - at least not in the last ten years at least. I get your point though that consoles are more "out of the box" solutions.

Well... It is CoD ;) There have been a few port issues sure, although Ubisoft are notorious for being the worst of the worst and they do get fixed. I tend to try and not buy on release anyway these days as games are so expensive. I value the backwards compatibility and far far larger library of a wider variety of games enough - many of the games I play aren't available on consoles at all, and things like FPS games are inferior with a controller unfortunately. Controllers are better for actiony (dark souls) type games, sport/driving games, and platformy games in my experience - I have a couple of 360 pads I plug in to my PC.

I agree I doubt PCs will break into the "couch" gaming market in a serious way soon - although I have an HD projector hooked up to my PC (and an N64 emulator) so I have the best of both worlds!

Topical as I've just spent the morning looking at ready built machines, probably looking at about £1/1.5 for a very good ots system, but then if I wanted to add a 4K screen....I havnt priced building it with separate components, as I can't be arsed.


I agree with you on the variety aspect, for example I love pretty much every Paradox game, you just wouldn't see them on consol. Anything with a strong mod community I also tend to get for PC. Apart from that my general rule of thumb is AAA on consol, more niche stuff for the PC.

Anyways, like I've said previously, I have both and see value in both, I was just responding to the ridiculous notion of how far behind console gaming is. I would say to get a much better performance you would have to spend more than the cost of a PS4 by a factor of 2.

Touching on COD, my greatest gaming memories are the oriningal COD on PC, but also Modern Warfare 2 on PS3.  Both games absolutely changed FPS multiplayer because they were pretty dam near perfect - It's a shame Activision have milked the series to what it has become.

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On 29/10/2016 at 13:16, Barrs Court Red said:

Topical as I've just spent the morning looking at ready built machines, probably looking at about £1/1.5 for a very good ots system, but then if I wanted to add a 4K screen....I havnt priced building it with separate components, as I can't be arsed.


I agree with you on the variety aspect, for example I love pretty much every Paradox game, you just wouldn't see them on consol. Anything with a strong mod community I also tend to get for PC. Apart from that my general rule of thumb is AAA on consol, more niche stuff for the PC.

Anyways, like I've said previously, I have both and see value in both, I was just responding to the ridiculous notion of how far behind console gaming is. I would say to get a much better performance you would have to spend more than the cost of a PS4 by a factor of 2.

Touching on COD, my greatest gaming memories are the oriningal COD on PC, but also Modern Warfare 2 on PS3.  Both games absolutely changed FPS multiplayer because they were pretty dam near perfect - It's a shame Activision have milked the series to what it has become.

Yeah I like the Paradox games too, as well as dota, the Civ series, and some RTS ones. I'd like to play Bloodbourne and The Last Of Us but I can't think of many others which would make me buy a console to be honest.

The original CoD was great yeah, bring back fond memories. I didn't play any of the others however, I got in to other things - and you're absolutely right it's become a bit of a laughing stock not unfortunately in the name of yearly releases.

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