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boots on the pitch

Port Said Red

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Apologies if anyone has mentioned this but did anyone else see a pair of boots come out of the Villa section after out 3rd goal? 

I assume they were suggesting they could do a  better job, but it was a bit random.

Also never seen a set of fans change their tune so quickly.

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Yeah they were thrown on the pitch. O'Donnell tried to attract the attention of the ref and the linesperson, but to no avail. He then pretended to put them on as mentioned above, before throwing them to one side as the game had restarted.  

I hope it got mentioned to the ref after the game, to include in his report. 

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3 hours ago, Dollymarie said:

Yeah they were thrown on the pitch. O'Donnell tried to attract the attention of the ref and the linesperson, but to no avail. He then pretended to put them on as mentioned above, before throwing them to one side as the game had restarted.  

I hope it got mentioned to the ref after the game, to include in his report. 

But lets hope he doesn't mention the guy who invaded the pitch from the South Stand/Dolman corner after the second goal. 

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