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Any one still watching?

I say Nadia, which leaves Marco with no one to hid behind!

A couple of weeks ago I wanted Jason and Victor out at any cost, now I quite like them, The Jungle cats.

It's strange how your opinions of people can change in such a short time. A bit like seeing a player for the first time, opinions vary and change, no two people watch a match in the same way.

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I would love for Marco to go tonight. I cannot stand the bloke, he is snide and since being nominated has shown himself to be pathetic.

Threatening to have a go at people and then being quiet and moody as soon as they have a go back. I was praying for Victor to go up and chin him!

Nadia can go next week.

Victor to win :D

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Guest Bristol_Babe

How can you hate Marco? He is lush!

"Alright Darlin" "Nadia is a dirty dirty ########"

I love the bloke... Come on, isn't everyone a bitch now and again? L..O..L

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How can you hate Marco? He is lush!

"Alright Darlin" "Nadia is a dirty dirty ########"

I love the bloke... Come on, isn't everyone a bitch now and again? L..O..L

Yeah, but in a masculine "he's a ###### type way". Not in a "ooo I don't like him" should of been born a woman, Nadia's more of a man than me fairy type way.

I just can't believe his shrieking hasn't cracked a window yet. If he toned it down a bit, he might be better cos he is quite funny at times.

But as he is, I just want to kick the t.v. :@

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But surely all the reasons why you all want Marco OUT are all the reasons he should be kept IN.

Nadia would survive without Marco, but he wouldn't without her. Kick her (?)out and let Jason and Victor toy with him! :D

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Bye, bye Marco. You owe Stu big time.

Victor and Jason won't be allowed to nominate next week so it will be them and Nadia doing battle (that's my prediction anyway)! :D

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Glad Marco went... his seal noises were starting to bore me.

I agree with you RedM, I like the Jungle Cats too. Used to HATE them but they're growing on me. They're the sort of people that I know I should hate but really don't! They're so arrogant but I still like them! Don't like them enough to want them to win though.

Dan or Stu to win for me! :whistle:

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Marco's got a hell of a slide tackle on him though.. his mum felt the full force of it..

That's luck. When I read the first 8 words I was worried to read any further.

Seemed like too much information :cool::whistle:

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