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The Grand Tour

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There has now been 4 episodes so I think now be a good time to ask people's opinions of the new show?

For me I love it. It basically is Top Gear but a more refined version with Clarkson having a little more freedom to express himself than he did on the BBC.  

I got to admit after seeing what the BBC did to Top Gear I was scared this wouldn't be what Made me fall in love with Top Gear in the first place. Yet I soon noticed despite is being different ir just felt very comfortable. It was like seeing an old friend again who had changed their hair style.


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To be honest I stopped after the first two episodes because I thought it was crap.  It had been going downhill on the beeb for a while and amazon have just made it worse by throwing more money at it allowing Clarkson to make everything even more extreme.  Honestly, that whole sketch of trying to pretend to be special forces was like most of the episode and it was entirely unfunny.  The american stig is about as amusing as a rectal exam and the celebrities dying off really does nothing for me.  The show should be an interesting car show with some humour not a poor comedy show with an occasional supercar.  I think it'll die off in a couple of years.

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9 minutes ago, Nibor said:

To be honest I stopped after the first two episodes because I thought it was crap.  It had been going downhill on the beeb for a while and amazon have just made it worse by throwing more money at it allowing Clarkson to make everything even more extreme.  Honestly, that whole sketch of trying to pretend to be special forces was like most of the episode and it was entirely unfunny.  The american stig is about as amusing as a rectal exam and the celebrities dying off really does nothing for me.  The show should be an interesting car show with some humour not a poor comedy show with an occasional supercar.  I think it'll die off in a couple of years.

Spot on, it is shite and of course the brazen product placement that has to take place doesn't enhance the viewing in anyway, a big no from me.

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Garbage, watched 3 episodes and doubt if I'll be back for more. The 'comedy' seems dumbed down to suit an American market, it's overdone and then more so. What could be said said done in 15 minutes is stretched to 30 minutes, and the same thing over and over. Give them each a super car and wring as much publicity for the manufactures as they can, it's just one big bloody adverts for cars I will never afford or care about.

I'm finding it much less controversial than when the BBC did it if I'm honest. The interaction between them looks more scripted than ever, certainly lost its spark and edge. I thought there would be much more good stuff, them building a boat car, trekking across Africa in old bangers etc. Predictable and past it's sale by date.

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