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Mid-season review - what has gone so wrong?

The Exiled Robin

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NEW: My mid-season review is in the link below.

I hope you enjoy even if it might make horrible reading!!


I talk Tomlin, Tammy, the defence, formations and more - all views/comments/link shares etc, as always, very much appreciated!

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3 minutes ago, Davefevs said:


Thought provoking in terms of your cry for a truly defensive midfielder...if we continue to play 1 up top, should we be going 4141, which a single shield in front of our CBs...but still 4 across the middle?

I think there are lots of ways you can play it from that position forwards, but what you do need to do is have players to fit that formation and style. Korey could do it if he were in the form of a year ago, but unfortunately he's not

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30 minutes ago, The Exiled Robin said:

I think there are lots of ways you can play it from that position forwards, but what you do need to do is have players to fit that formation and style. Korey could do it if he were in the form of a year ago, but unfortunately he's not

Psychic....just posted similar on another thread.

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Some good stuff there. Agree with quite a bit of it. Out of possession we are far too standoffish and as a result teams find it easy to break us down.

One would hope that work has been being done following the last transfer window as we allowed Kodjia to go knowing it would leave us short so we had to be working towards a January replacement.

Would hope to see deals done sooner in the January window than later.

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An interesting and thoughtful read. You demonstrate perfectly the problem that LJ faces, he doesn't know his best team, and with respect you don't seem to have a preference, offering a number of possible formations, but not a definitive one that you feel would solve the problem.

I appreciate it is not your job to pick the team, neither is it mine, but I would say that the biggest multiple problem that LJ hasn't been able to deal with is the lack of player availability due to injury and illness and loss of form around the midfield players.

The key to our problems which you allude too, and I agree, is the central midfield group, either a two or a three, consistency is the key and throughout the season LJ has either been unwilling or unable to pick a pairing / three that can gel together and provide the defensive cover required to protect the team from the threat of counter attacking by the opposition.

The Tomlin solution is straight forward so far as I can see, he needs to be given a free role, centred around playing much further forward so that he can damage the opposition where it matters in the final third.

Tomlin is the only player we have who's close control can take him past a player and provide the killer pass forward. It is completely pointless and detrimental to the team to ask him to specifically track back to try and win the ball, not his job, not his forte.

My formation would be a 3-4-1-2, and if fit I would play Bryant, Smith, Pack, Brownhill, with Alby and Engvall sharing the striker support to Tammy. If Tomlin plays centrally it would be easier for him to drop back into the midfield when we don't have the ball.

Despite all of the above I believe we do have the players now to stay up, and with a couple of additions we can finish higher up the league.

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Pretty much spot on rather than doom and gloom, sack LJ, sack the board, sack everyone including burger sellers.

Our last away win, 4 0 at Fulham. One of the few games when we had only 28% possession, had 4 chances scored 4 goals. Strange game (but fun) where as now we are losing games , but we are the dominant side by a country mile but conceded dopey goals and suddenly very brittle.

Your excellent post sums up where we are. 

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Funnily enough another defeat yesterday didn't really alter this view. Again we were in the game (well in the game!), and LJ actually did what I suggested he needed to in setting up to be solid, organised and I felt the players worked their footballs off to keep shape and mark their men. 

Unfortunately a combination of Fielding's inability to keep out a couple of soft shots and some admittedly poor substitution choices from LJ meant that 'thing' happened to us and we couldn't cope with going behind.

In the last six losses we've been either leading or at least level at some point in the second half. To me that indicates we're not far away, but in desperate need of a confidence boost


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3 minutes ago, The Exiled Robin said:

Funnily enough another defeat yesterday didn't really alter this view. Again we were in the game (well in the game!), and LJ actually did what I suggested he needed to in setting up to be solid, organised and I felt the players worked their footballs off to keep shape and mark their men. 

Unfortunately a combination of Fielding's inability to keep out a couple of soft shots and some admittedly poor substitution choices from LJ meant that 'thing' happened to us and we couldn't cope with going behind.

In the last six losses we've been either leading or at least level at some point in the second half. To me that indicates we're not far away, but in desperate need of a confidence boost


 Nice subtle bump of your blog there :P

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