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Witch Hunt

Port Said Red

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I will wait for the court's decision before I make comment on any of these individuals, there is far too much trial by press in this country.

I will say this though, 5 people, count them 5 people out of how many professional footballers? No profession should be condemned because of 5 people.

As for the rugby players and the game in general, they are the golden boys of the press at the moment, but I have been to enough "club do's" across the country to know that if they wanted to dig deeper ( and at some point they will no doubt) that the public face would not stand up to scrutiny.

All the positives ignored when it suits, all the negatives ignored when it suits this is why I stopped reading newspapers years ago. :Rage: :Rage: :Rage:

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In defence of the Fourth Estate might I suggest that a large part of the problem lies with not what people read in the press, rather it lies with what they think they read in the press. Hence the removal of the post.



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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Yes but the wording papers use sensationalises and gives impressions.

The type of "investigative" reporting of certain tabloids goes to close to extremes, and half the time really isn't in the public interest.

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