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Tinmans New Song


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I spotted on the bottom of Dez Gimred's sig that he has a revised Tinman song-I thought it was quality.Ive changed it around a bit and hopefully with the help of some forumites we can get it going next season at the gate.Here goes........

Tinman is the Gaffer,

He wears a red and white Hat,

He manages Bristol City,

And he is a very nice chap.

Hes better than Danny Wilson,

He'll take us to the top,

and deja vu in 3 years time

when we win at the kop!


Sorry if a thread like this has already been started!!!

What does everyone think??

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It's good but like so many before it, I'll be amazed if the new version makes a successful transition from the forum to the stands. People will hear the tune and sing the old one anyway.

The only change that can realistically be made is changing "He plays for Bristol City" to "he's Bristol City's gaffer". The reset of the song doesn't really need changing anyway..... :whistle:

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heh, copywrite mate!

i dont expect people to sing it, just made it up for my own personal gain


Good in a poetic way (deja vu etc.) but a bit complicated.

Tinman's still aiming to play next year, so nothings changed really.

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Good in a poetic way (deja vu etc.) but a bit complicated.

If the limit of football chants is ole,ole,ole,ole,Bristol City......then I take your point about it being a bit to complecated but surely its not that tricky is it?!!

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It's a fairly long 'song', rather than a chant, without the oomph factor to make it catchy.

It hasn't got the rude words or the anti-gas sentiments to catch on with the kids.

I thought the original was rubbish but it caught on, and i'll sing along now so you never know, but most of the successful long-standing chants are short, snappy (2 or 3 lines), and allow the participants to get away with shouting things they wouldn't be allowed to get away with on their own.

As i say it's quite a clever ditty, just not in my opinion a football chant.

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If we're keeping it simple, how about this to the tune of 'woody woodpecker'

T-t-t tinman

T-t-t tinman


Repeat ad nauseum

Or when Peacock returns we could give him the full rendition of "Stop the Pigeon", all in our best Dick Dastardly voices.

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