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Slightly odd story..

Mr Popodopolous

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In USA, police are surely amongst the most trigger happy so their conduct isn't I think a fair barometer. Our police are amongst the best, most measured in the world in the main but I am sure lessons can be learned from this. Didn't seem someone who needed tasering tbh.

One thing I do disagree with- allowing comments on the stories on varied newspaper sites. I know it won't lead to criminal charges, but not good for an IPCC investigation anyway I think. That surprised me slightly.

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I see the police offered up this statement yesterday. The most interesting bit is the final sentence.


Here's our statement on the taser incident in Bristol -
Chief Superintendent Jon Reilly said: “After reviewing what happened, we voluntarily referred a complaint about this incident to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC). “Although we don’t have to refer an incident in which a taser has been discharged to the IPCC, we want to be as open and transparent as possible. “I’ve met with Mr Adunbi and we had a constructive conversation. We’re aware of concerns within the local community and we take these concerns very seriously. We would like to answer their questions but we need to be mindful that an investigation is ongoing which makes that difficult. However, I would like to reassure them that the incident was captured on the officers’ Body Worn Video cameras.”

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2 hours ago, Esmond Million's Bung said:

I see the police offered up this statement yesterday. The most interesting bit is the final sentence.


Here's our statement on the taser incident in Bristol -
Chief Superintendent Jon Reilly said: “After reviewing what happened, we voluntarily referred a complaint about this incident to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC). “Although we don’t have to refer an incident in which a taser has been discharged to the IPCC, we want to be as open and transparent as possible. “I’ve met with Mr Adunbi and we had a constructive conversation. We’re aware of concerns within the local community and we take these concerns very seriously. We would like to answer their questions but we need to be mindful that an investigation is ongoing which makes that difficult. However, I would like to reassure them that the incident was captured on the officers’ Body Worn Video cameras.”

Irrelevant as the who thing was videoed and played out on TV for all to see the body came shakey footage is worthless compare to that

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2 minutes ago, Esmond Million's Bung said:

OK you've seen the body cam video I take it?.

No need to see it. The whole thing was played out in Crystal clear clarity without a camera jumping up and down out of focus pointing in the wrong direction some times. It's all there all played out on TV es  the police are investigating as they have been found out in the most public of outings :laugh:. They may as well dump their footage and admit their wrong doing.


Taser in the face... Jesus what kind of training do they get. It wasn't even a difficult shot

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Just now, TRL said:

No need to see it. The whole thing was played out in Crystal clear clarity without a camera jumping up and down out of focus pointing in the wrong direction some times. It's all there all played out on TV es  the police are investigating as they have been found out in the most public of outings :laugh:. They may as well dump their footage and admit their wrong doing.


Taser in the face... Jesus what kind of training do they get. It wasn't even a difficult shot

Ok i'm sure you are correct.

Firstly I have already commented about the tasering, however.

Should we just ignore the body cam totally then shall we?, it will contain all of the verbals leading up to the tasering and show context/arrestable offence or it might even bury the coppers, but hey no need to see it because we have the crystal clear quality video from a guy who just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

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1 hour ago, Esmond Million's Bung said:

Ok i'm sure you are correct.

Firstly I have already commented about the tasering, however.

Should we just ignore the body cam totally then shall we?, it will contain all of the verbals leading up to the tasering and show context/arrestable offence or it might even bury the coppers, but hey no need to see it because we have the crystal clear quality video from a guy who just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

Like I said the whole thing was recorded start to finish from a independent source on which everything can be clearly heard an seen. By all means use it. But it isn't going to change the fact what happened and the police were out of order..I mean they couldn't even recognise te bloke who is in their station loads doing community and race relations! Beggars belief.  


As I say the only reason this is being looked at is because they are banged to rights by a filming member of the public.. if it hadn't been filmed it would have been brushed under the carpet

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46 minutes ago, bend it like brian said:

well over the top.....but could have been ended in a couple of minutes had he given them his id

Why give your Idetails when you are just going about your business walking your dog.. Yes if he was doing something suspicious.. but walking your dog? What are people told when asked to give their id in today's society? Don't do it.. at the end of the day the bloke works closely with the local police station, he was entering his own house you would assume as he works so closely with them they may have an idea who the guy is!


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13 minutes ago, TRL said:

Like I said the whole thing was recorded start to finish from a independent source on which everything can be clearly heard an seen. By all means use it. But it isn't going to change the fact what happened and the police were out of order..I mean they couldn't even recognise te bloke who is in their station loads doing community and race relations! Beggars belief.  


As I say the only reason this is being looked at is because they are banged to rights by a filming member of the public.. if it hadn't been filmed it would have been brushed under the carpet

Firstly the end result was obviously bad and will have to be dealt with accordingly and the body cam will either support the 'independent' film maker or throw into the mix some missing context.

What beggars belief for me is that this stroppy guy is involved in race relations at all, had he cooperated in a civil way this would never have escalated, if that is the sort of example he is passing on to young blacks then heaven help us all, sometimes the police have a legitimate reason to know who you are and what you are doing and in this instance maybe they did or maybe they didn't, the body should certainly shed light on that.

As for the highlighted portion if that were the case the police would not have said that they had body cam evidence, especially if it was incriminating it would have been brushed under the carpet.

Why give your Idetails when you are just going about your business walking your dog.. Yes if he was doing something suspicious.. but walking your dog? What are people told when asked to give their id in today's society? Don't do it.. at the end of the day the bloke works closely with the local police station, he was entering his own house you would assume as he works so closely with them they may have an idea who the guy is!

How exactly can you know this?, you have no more evidence than any of us.


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33 minutes ago, TRL said:

Why give your Idetails when you are just going about your business walking your dog.. Yes if he was doing something suspicious.. but walking your dog? What are people told when asked to give their id in today's society? Don't do it.. at the end of the day the bloke works closely with the local police station, he was entering his own house you would assume as he works so closely with them they may have an idea who the guy is!


i dont no if this is true or not but apparently the were looking for someone who looked similar and they wanted to eliminate him from there inquires ...and as emb said his stroppy attitude didnt help at all 

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2 hours ago, Esmond Million's Bung said:

Firstly the end result was obviously bad and will have to be dealt with accordingly and the body cam will either support the 'independent' film maker or throw into the mix some missing context.

What beggars belief for me is that this stroppy guy is involved in race relations at all, had he cooperated in a civil way this would never have escalated, if that is the sort of example he is passing on to young blacks then heaven help us all, sometimes the police have a legitimate reason to know who you are and what you are doing and in this instance maybe they did or maybe they didn't, the body should certainly shed light on that.

As for the highlighted portion if that were the case the police would not have said that they had body cam evidence, especially if it was incriminating it would have been brushed under the carpet.

Why give your Idetails when you are just going about your business walking your dog.. Yes if he was doing something suspicious.. but walking your dog? What are people told when asked to give their id in today's society? Don't do it.. at the end of the day the bloke works closely with the local police station, he was entering his own house you would assume as he works so closely with them they may have an idea who the guy is!

How exactly can you know this?, you have no more evidence than any of us.


I have all the evidence that was plastered all over the news and the full video footage of the incident beginning to end plastered all over the news.. its not exactly hidden from anyone Es, I guess you may not see it in France but BBC and HTV showed it all.


Hence my previous posts

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2 hours ago, bend it like brian said:

i dont no if this is true or not but apparently the were looking for someone who looked similar and they wanted to eliminate him from there inquires ...and as emb said his stroppy attitude didnt help at all 

Because as reported, this has happened to him more than once and he is quite rightly pissed off that the police ignore seem to continually ignore the fact the do this too him.


If I kept being stopped, because of someone else, I too would be pissed off...surely they would have photographs of those people who regularly get pulled in by accident so it didn't keep happening.... and if that person regularly communicates andworks with the local constabulary you would hope they would recognise the bloke by now, not just taser him in the face because he has quite rightly been narked off again by the police demanding ID when they really should know who he is.

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3 hours ago, TRL said:

I have all the evidence that was plastered all over the news and the full video footage of the incident beginning to end plastered all over the news.. its not exactly hidden from anyone Es, I guess you may not see it in France but BBC and HTV showed it all.


Hence my previous posts

I've seen what you have seen and it looks incredibly bad for sure, but we haven't seen or heard everything including the lead up to where the independent cameraman shouts action and that lead up probably holds the key to this odd story.

I find it strange that apparently innocent until proven guilty is not on the table for the old Bill.

As I said the body cam will either bury the cops or throw up more questions.



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One thing that nobody (as far as I'm aware of) has mentioned so far is what was the record of and what was the arrest warrant issued for of the person the police were intending to pick up?.... could well have been someone with known violent tendencies, could be someone thought potentially 'dangerous' ..... In which case, as events unfolded with the 'mistaken identity' situation who could blame the police for being very cautious and playing it 'safe rather than sorry' ...

Too many ordinary coppers are assaulted, injured and even killed on duty as it is. If one of those officers was a friend or relation of yours would you want them to take a chance given the circumstances...?

The reaction they appear to have received was rather antagonistic considering the coppers initially only wanted to establish the id (positive or negative) of a possibly wanted person. 

Blokes own fault in my opinion, only question as I see it, of the police action in this case was the taser 'facial shot' ..not sure if target should have been better aimed elsewhere?

Not a racial incident as far as I believe, because I'd expect a tough police reaction if I'd acted in the same manner as the 'victim' ... people seem all to quick to shout 'racial' when there is no reason to suppose that is the case, no doubt someone somewhere will be advising a compensation claim is in order... bloody hope not!

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Theres something odd about the situation which looks to me like there was something taking place earlier on. The cameraman has his mind made up about it all right from the start and it's as if he knows exactly what the police are going to do against his neighbor. As if it's already been decided there's going to be an arrest and the police just have to make something happen for an excuse, which the cameraman knows. Perhaps he fooled them in some way before picking up the camera to record the coppers' fail. Could be that he knows the person they were really searching for. In that case the cameraman succeeded. The police fail horribly and show only by their actions that they are complete nervewrecks.

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Can't say why the police stopped him or what was going on beforehand, but from the footage I saw on TV the bloke was being a massive d**k and wouldn't co-operate. Didn't listen to police orders to do as they said, got tazered, good on the coppers, move on to the next story.

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Two police officers have been served with two gross misconduct notices after tasering their own race relations adviser.

Judah Adunbi, 63, was shot in the face by an officer after he was mistaken for a wanted man.

Shocking footage of the incident in Colston Road, Easton, on January 12, was caught on camera by a concern neighbour.

Now the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) have issued both officers with a gross misconduct notices, advising them they are under investigation.


However, neither officer has been suspended although one has been put on restricted duties.

As part of the investigation, the IPCC conducted house to house enquiries, obtained statements from witnesses and collected policies from the force over the use of tasers.

The footage from the body worn cameras of the officers involved in the incident were also reviewed.

Last week, a meeting was held in Bristol with community representatives.


IPCC Commissioner Cindy Butts said: "The incident in which Mr Adunbi was Tasered has attracted significant community concern and I am grateful to the representatives for their attendance last week and their honest and frank contributions.

"We would reassure them that we are conducting a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding this incident.

"The investigation is making positive progress and we are continuing to review evidence regarding the appropriateness of Taser use in the circumstances.

"As our investigation is ongoing the IPCC is limited in what can be released into the public domain, and we would ask for patience while our work is carried out."


A spokesman for the IPCC added: "Mr Adunbi updated on the investigation throughout.

"Serving a notice advises an officer or member of police staff that their conduct is subject to investigation - such notices are not judgemental in any way."


Mr Adunbi worked as a race relations adviser for Avon and Somerset Police, and the video has sparked outrage among the community about why he was treated so aggressively.

A spokesman for Avon and Somerset Police added: "Neither officer has been suspended however one officer has been put on restricted duties as a result of the decent."

Head of Professional Standards at Avon and Somerset police Richard Corrigan said: "Today, the IPCC announced that it has served two officers with gross misconduct notices regarding the incident involving Mr Adunbi.

"We're continuing to co-operate with them as their investigation progresses but cannot comment on the circumstances surrounding the incident as a consequence of the IPCC involvement.

"Chief Constable Andy Marsh has promised that we will discuss the matter fully and publicly once the IPCC investigation has concluded."

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