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Shooting Stars

Port Said Red

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I have just been scanning through the list of hopefuls for this foot idol thing.


I was struck by the criterium for the successful applicant and couldn't help wondering if they missed one out. The name the guy has and how it might be received by opposition and home fans.

For example Robert (Bob) Taylor :clap: or Robert (Bobby) Stokes should have a great future in front of them. I am not so sure about Ritchie Chandler though sounds too much like a previous failed player. Tom Robinson may have a future but not necessarily as a footballer.

Most of all I would really worry about what opposition fans would make of Guy Burns or Danny Dancer. Perhaps the judges will save them from themselves...... :clap::)

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Guest Harry May

2-4-6-8 it's never too late.

Even if they get into the Academy , it's no guarantee that they will make it as a pro. There's a lad from Chepstow called Nick Hahrry ( I think that's how his surname is spelt ) who was at our Academy . He was touted as a great prospect and I know he scored quite a few goals . I think he got released either last season or the season before - do n't know what he 's doing now.

Why would anyone want to be a professional footballer ? All that free time , adoring fans , getting up at sensible times , decent money , keeping yourself fit and getting paid for it . Much more sensible to be working all the hours under the sun for peanuts , in a job you despise for no thanks and gratitude.

I am a hamster and I want to get off the wheel.

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Know the twins George and Ashley. Both very good. The problem is they are both of the same quality. The question I want to ask is what happens if two people are considered to be of exceptional quality.

Number 72 hasn't got a chance of playing for us unless he changes his name. He can't play for city with a name like Blue no matter how good he is.

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  • Admin

"The question I want to ask is what happens if two people are considered to be of exceptional quality."

This was covered on the Steve/Colin forum I believe. Whoever answered stated that (and I paraphrase) the Club is committed to take on at least one player from the competition. If indeed 2 or more players of exceptional standard rise to the fore during the course of the competition, the Club will offer deals to them too.

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