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Lloyds of London has banned drinking during working day

Mr Popodopolous

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The days of the three-hour, five-bottle City lunch appear to be well and truly over after Lloyds of London introduced a booze ban.

The insurance market has told its 800 employees that they are not permitted to consume alcohol from 09:00 to 17:00.

A Lloyds spokesman said it had been considering the move for some time to bring it into line with "industry norms".

But angry staff have called the new measures "heavy-handed".

Workers took to Lloyds' intranet to air their grievances, with one asking: "Will we be asked to go to bed earlier soon?"



Any thoughts?

I've got mixed views. In some ways, I think it's about time tbh. Though another sign of modern life- mixed views. How many are allowed to drink during the working day these days?

Seems London and similar or certain sections of it anyway live in a microclimate. Read piece the other week about the August exodus from London- who is that then, I remember working through most Augusts in my working life down here

Don't get me wrong, I've no issue with the idea of a drink at lunch but I suspect many never even got the opportunity during its heyday. 

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Nothing wrong with a pint at lunch.  Being drunk at work is a summary dismissal pretty much anywhere so no real need to try and impose new rules.  This sort of thing is fairly typical of modern HR - using absolutes to avoid having to rely on judgement - I'd tell them to piss off.

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4 hours ago, Mr Popodopolous said:


Any thoughts?

I've got mixed views. In some ways, I think it's about time tbh. Though another sign of modern life- mixed views. How many are allowed to drink during the working day these days?

Seems London and similar or certain sections of it anyway live in a microclimate. Read piece the other week about the August exodus from London- who is that then, I remember working through most Augusts in my working life down here

Don't get me wrong, I've no issue with the idea of a drink at lunch but I suspect many never even got the opportunity during its heyday. 


What sort of an employer wants pissed up staff in the afternoon.

A couple of pints at lunch and it ****s you for the whole afternoon.

Probably forbids it in the contract too.

No issue with beer tasters having a couple, but insurance staff??

Come on!



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5 minutes ago, Taxi for Johnson said:


What sort of an employer wants pissed up staff in the afternoon.

A couple of pints at lunch and it ****s you for the whole afternoon.

Probably forbids it in the contract too.

No issue with beer tasters having a couple, but insurance staff??

Come on!



Gotta laugh at some Lloyds of London staff tbh, they are finally catching up with the real world it seems. One of the quotes in the article was quite funny:


According to the London Evening Standard, another asked: "Did I just wake up from my drunken induced slumber to find we are now living in Orwell's 1984?"

I don't think it has such a bad effect- pint with meal, why worry. More than that and the quality of work can be compromised.

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Pretty much a dying trend anyway nowadays?

Although back in the halcyon flexitime days of Norwich Union liquid lunches in The Rummer it was practically compulsory to drink a good 3 or 4 pints mind.

Precious memories (so I've been told, hic) :drunk2:

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4 hours ago, Fiale said:

When I first started work all those years ago, some people would get wrecked at lunch times - not uncommon for some people to fall asleep at their desk... cannot imagine that ever happening now, let alone being common.

I worked in London in the 1990s, and 4-pint+ Friday lunches were not uncommon. Made the Friday afternoons a blur. Not great behaviour in hindsight.

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The eateries and hostelries around the City in London are always ram packed with suits well into the afternoon anytime I've been down there.

End of an era for some. No doubt the execs will still be wining and dining in the name of corporate hospitality.

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5 hours ago, Fiale said:

Do people remember when you could smoke at your desk ? You would walk into a office and not be able to see across the other side

When I first started you could only smoke on overtime at the start or end of the day or on a Saturday. End result was it stank all day anyway. Remember kicking back after work one day, with a few of us getting a bottle of scotch out of the filing cabinet and having a few drinks and cigars then going out. All before pre-drinking was even "a thing". 

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