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Staying healthy this season with THJ


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Many supporters might be unhappy this season, City having slumped from 5th to 21st in the table, and the team losing almost every week, and being generally shit most weeks.

I feel your pain.

Can I make the point that in spite of this suffering inflicted on us by Lee and Steve, we need to stay positive mentally and physically. It is very easy to become despondent, and lapse into negativity, sloth, and a generally poor lifestyle.

We must not let the current desperate, awful situation damage us a humans.

This is why I have started this thread.

Many of us already practice a healthy lifestyle. Some do not, and never have, and some people are simply so totally ******-off with Lee Johnson, we find refuge in sloth: in crisps, curry and alcohol. We forget to exercise, and we become inward looking. before you know it you have lost your friends, family, your home, and are either laying in A&E wondering how it all started, or sitting in a shop doorway, drinking meths having to sell your arse for your supper.

Friends, fellow City fans: TFJ is telling you it does not have to happen.

It is possible to keep your sanity, your family AND your arses intact.

Let me help you - let us help each other?

May I suggest a three-part plan: diet, exercise, mental health.

I'll start with diet, and a brief discussion about exercise and mental health. I'll then ask other fans to come in and assist me.


It is absolutely imperative you start the day well: ******* make sure you eat breakfast.

Something is better than nothing, but try these:-

- porridge with some berries and nuts - sweeten with honey if needed;

- greek yoghurt, also with berries and nuts, or try some sliced figs;

- eggs!!!! Scrambled or poached, with wholemeal toast;

- fish - smoked, again with either some eggs or toast.

The protein in all of these will keep you full and see you through to lunch time: it works.

Do-not: scoff lots of aded sugar at breakfast - it will spike up your blood sugar, and leave you wanting to snack mid morning. Don't eat sugary serials. JUST DON'T. It's bad for you.

If you are hungry in the morning just snack on fresh fruit. Try to keep to berries, pears, apples and limit sugary tropical fruits. Bananas are OK, but don't overdo them, and only take them orally.


Soup is king! Tasty, hot and filling. Try to avoid adding to many carbs at lunch, as this will spike your blood sugar, and make to hungry before dinner time.

Salads with protein are also good - full of nutrients, and the protein keeps you full.

Try and get away from bread with everything. If you must, try wholemeal varieties, sour-dough or chickpea wraps.


Try to avoid, but if you must, fruit, berries, nuts, humus and vegetable sticks.

Make the humus yourselves, you lazy bastards, and keep it in batches for a couple of days.


Treat yourselves without being silly.

Lean steak / chicken / fish with lots of VEGETABLES. Mix and match the veg, including plenty of greens. Limit starchy veg like spuds, and also limit too much pasta. Rice is not so bad, but still full of starch, which will spike up your blood sugar.

Pud - be sensible, and try and avoid lots of added sugar. In fact, reduce your added sugar intake, and then, get rid of sugar from your house - you do not need it. It will murder you.



Exercise - get some - at least a 30 minute brisk walk four or five times a week. Try and get slightly out of breath. If you die doing this, then you should have checked with your doctor first. Don'e even think of blaming me.


Mental health.

Well - just thinking positive and trying to do what I have suggested is half the battle.

DO NOT RUMINATE. Don't dwell on things. Easy to say - not so easy in reality. If you are sitting and thinking, then stop and go and do something. E.g. go and make some lovely home made humus, you lazy sods. get up and do it now - or walk down the shop, get the ingredients, and come home and make it, and then try eating it. That will stop you ruminating for a hour.


I'm out.





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Tbf, TFJ/THJ actually makes lots of good points. I've been walking the dog 5 days a week for a mile each time and cut sugar out completely.

But tonight I will find solace in alcohol and curry. I'm off out for a meal with Mr Peg for our 10 year wedding anniversary. Don't hate me TFJ.

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