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What this "run" is doing to OUR club

Lack of Action Man

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I was sat in the Dolman-South Stand corner today. For the majority of the game the fans in this area were fine. Got behind the team, a little quiet at times, but no overt protests towards LJ or SL.Then, there was an outbreak of "we want Johnson out".

I'm not going to come on here and say that it's right or wrong. It was loud and it was sung with passion, that much is clear.

What I will say is, that following this an altercation ensued. I don't know the individuals involved but, as a life-long red, I despair that we have gotten to a stage where our own fans are bickering, shouting and squaring up to each other. Clearly, there are fellow fans that feel strongly about the situation (as do I) and feel that voicing their opinions (or more) are the only way to send a message. I held back my view until after the match and then loudly booed - not at the players, but firmly at the manager and coaches. I have made my thoughts clear about the selection on the match day thread so won't waste time by repeating them now, other than to say why sign L1's top goal-scorer to sit him on the bench against a Burton back line that were cumbersome, clumsy and immobile?

As an impassioned message to the board and SL, you have allowed this festering rut of meandering, apathetic football to continue for far too long and it has gotten to the point where the fans are not only staying away (look at the empty seats, just look at them) but the one's that are attending are now getting into altercations with each other. Our club is tearing itself apart.

This has to stop. You have to act - I wanted LJ to succeed for us but he simply hasn't and is leading us straight towards League 1 and sub-10,000 attendances.

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1 minute ago, OddBallJim said:

Glad you agree REDOXO

I do and wanted to give this a bump as it is important!

The bloke is divisive and that is clear. If we are going to get out of this we must stand together, but with this bloke that will never happen.

LJ stays then relegation and fighting among ourselves is inevitable, they beget each other!!

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1 minute ago, REDOXO said:

I do and wanted to give this a bump as it is important!

The bloke is divisive and that is clear. If we are going to get out of this we must stand together, but with this bloke that will never happen.

LJ stays then relegation and fighting among ourselves is inevitable, they beget each other!!

This is the where I draw the line, as I hope my OP makes clear.

We have gotten to the point where our own fans are divided and split against each other.


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1 minute ago, OddBallJim said:

This is the where I draw the line, as I hope my OP makes clear.

We have gotten to the point where our own fans are divided and split against each other.


He doesn't care that we hate each other and we are fighting amongst ourselves on the terraces.

He cares about the club that is clear, but the supporters are a clear second to LJ. Did you hear his giggling interview post match. I want to spit! The guy is close to nuts and SL won't see it!!

Still perhaps we should judge him on Tinnion? (Or SOD/MCINNESS) THE ONLY ONE HE GOT RIGHT WAS SC. 

Dont get me wrong I think the bloke is great but this is done and sacking LJ does not change the long term plan of buying young and developing, in fact it will almost certainly save it!

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3 minutes ago, REDOXO said:

He doesn't care that we hate each other and we are fighting amongst ourselves on the terraces.

He cares about the club that is clear, but the supporters are a clear second to LJ. Did you hear his giggling interview post match. I want to spit! The guy is close to nuts and SL won't see it!!

Still perhaps we should judge him on Tinnion? (Or SOD/MCINNESS) THE ONLY ONE HE GOT RIGHT WAS SC. 

Dont get me wrong I think the bloke is great but this is done and sacking LJ does not change the long term plan of buying young and developing, in fact it will almost certainly save it!

I got back to my car in time for LJ's post match interview.

My thoughts were as they are now. The guy doesn't understand the gravity of the situation. The cliche remarks about no one hurting more than him are just media nonsense. How can he say that going into the bottom three will be a wake up call to some players?

Was our new club record of 8 consecutive defeats not a big enough wake up call then?

I despair, truly this is the lowest ebb we have faced in a long time. This is now worse than S'OD. Or Tony Dinning for that matter.

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10 minutes ago, Roger Red Hat said:

I think it's worth pointing out - It's SL's club. Not that I like it, but it's patently obvious it's all about what SL wants and not the fans. I feel the disconnect is greater now than I can remember (first game mid sixties).

And that is fundamentally wrong RRH - things should not be this way at all.


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1 hour ago, OddBallJim said:

I was sat in the Dolman-South Stand corner today. For the majority of the game the fans in this area were fine. Got behind the team, a little quiet at times, but no overt protests towards LJ or SL.Then, there was an outbreak of "we want Johnson out".

I'm not going to come on here and say that it's right or wrong. It was loud and it was sung with passion, that much is clear.

What I will say is, that following this an altercation ensued. I don't know the individuals involved but, as a life-long red, I despair that we have gotten to a stage where our own fans are bickering, shouting and squaring up to each other. Clearly, there are fellow fans that feel strongly about the situation (as do I) and feel that voicing their opinions (or more) are the only way to send a message. I held back my view until after the match and then loudly booed - not at the players, but firmly at the manager and coaches. I have made my thoughts clear about the selection on the match day thread so won't waste time by repeating them now, other than to say why sign L1's top goal-scorer to sit him on the bench against a Burton back line that were cumbersome, clumsy and immobile?

As an impassioned message to the board and SL, you have allowed this festering rut of meandering, apathetic football to continue for far too long and it has gotten to the point where the fans are not only staying away (look at the empty seats, just look at them) but the one's that are attending are now getting into altercations with each other. Our club is tearing itself apart.

This has to stop. You have to act - I wanted LJ to succeed for us but he simply hasn't and is leading us straight towards League 1 and sub-10,000 attendances.

I'm tempted to tweet this post to SL..     I myself had some quite strong words with another fan today, luckily we both respected one another views...

Sad times indeed!!

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2 hours ago, 'keepuplino' said:

I'm tempted to tweet this post to SL..     I myself had some quite strong words with another fan today, luckily we both respected one another views...

Sad times indeed!!

Go for it. I just want the board and the owner to wake up and see what is happening to the fans, in the stands at AG. 

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4 hours ago, OddBallJim said:

I was sat in the Dolman-South Stand corner today. For the majority of the game the fans in this area were fine. Got behind the team, a little quiet at times, but no overt protests towards LJ or SL.Then, there was an outbreak of "we want Johnson out".

I'm not going to come on here and say that it's right or wrong. It was loud and it was sung with passion, that much is clear.

What I will say is, that following this an altercation ensued. I don't know the individuals involved but, as a life-long red, I despair that we have gotten to a stage where our own fans are bickering, shouting and squaring up to each other. Clearly, there are fellow fans that feel strongly about the situation (as do I) and feel that voicing their opinions (or more) are the only way to send a message. I held back my view until after the match and then loudly booed - not at the players, but firmly at the manager and coaches. I have made my thoughts clear about the selection on the match day thread so won't waste time by repeating them now, other than to say why sign L1's top goal-scorer to sit him on the bench against a Burton back line that were cumbersome, clumsy and immobile?

As an impassioned message to the board and SL, you have allowed this festering rut of meandering, apathetic football to continue for far too long and it has gotten to the point where the fans are not only staying away (look at the empty seats, just look at them) but the one's that are attending are now getting into altercations with each other. Our club is tearing itself apart.

This has to stop. You have to act - I wanted LJ to succeed for us but he simply hasn't and is leading us straight towards League 1 and sub-10,000 attendances.

Totally agree Jim, but it's not something that's not happened before. I remember many years ago being at an away game when we were going through a bad patch with Joe Jordan at the helm. Not sure which game it was, but we were 1nil down at half time and the shouting started ' We want Jordan out' etc. This got me well angry and I started with the hanker signs and shut the **** up.

My mate (just us 2) said give it up, they're all Knowle Lads (about 20) and I said, I don't care we're all supposed to be one. Next thing the biggest lad came steaming over to have a pop, and all 6ft 1 of me and 15 stone at the time (now 17 stone, step way from the pies:laugh:) stood up and gave as good as I got. In the end the guy said fair play and went on his way, so it does happen when things are going tits up.

At the end of the day we all support our club through thick and thin and sometimes all normality goes out the window when things are going wrong, and as we all know being a City fan these things happen more times than we like to remember.

There is something seriously wrong with our club, and there has been for many many years. We continue to balls it up time after time, and when we do get our house in order i.e. pissing L1 we then undo all the good work in a heartbeat.:(

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5 minutes ago, Sniper said:

Totally agree Jim, but it's not something that's not happened before. I remember many years ago being at an away game when we were going through a bad patch with Joe Jordan at the helm. Not sure which game it was, but we were 1nil down at half time and the shouting started ' We want Jordan out' etc. This got me well angry and I started with the hanker signs and shut the **** up.

My mate (just us 2) said give it up, they're all Knowle Lads (about 20) and I said, I don't care we're all supposed to be one. Next thing the biggest lad came steaming over to have a pop, and all 6ft 1 of me and 15 stone at the time (now 17 stone, step way from the pies:laugh:) stood up and gave as good as I got. In the end the guy said fair play and went on his way, so it does happen when things are going tits up.

At the end of the day we all support our club through thick and thin and sometimes all normality goes out the window when things are going wrong, and as we all know being a City fan these things happen more times than we like to remember.

There is something seriously wrong with our club, and there has been for many many years. We continue to balls it up time after time, and when we do get our house in order i.e. pissing L1 we then undo all the good work in a heartbeat.:(

I'm sure you're not on as many pies as Wayne Shaw fella so I wouldn't worry about any pie-related dieting ;)

But your final paragraph I have highlighted because it's important. I know of no other club that is so good at turning order into chaos as us, and it is utterly mind blowing. 

Whilst other clubs have shit grounds, owners who look like bond villains or the like, we actually have a very decent ground now, training infrastructure to come, and a squad that could easily be mid-table. 

Only City could create such a monumental balls up like this.

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1 minute ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

I remember fans fighting- or at least openly arguing- amongst themselves under Pulis. I am sure of it.

Quite rare though- when it happens it shows things are going wrong and on a drastic scale at that.

The fact we're turning against not just the manager but the owner speaks volumes.  

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