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How does a proud (and successful) man climb down and admit he was wrong?

Jack Dawe

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Sometimes, when a chap has backed himself into a corner, and everyone is bellowing in his face and letting him know how wrong he was and how right they were all along (no, not spudski! Mr Lansdown), pride makes doing the right thing that much harder.

Steve needs a way out, without too much loss of face, or too much derision.

I can't think of one though. Oh dear...

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That is horribly likely, but it would be worth it.

2 minutes ago, paulcityfan said:

Its quite easy really.  He could just blame the fans, we are getting quite used to it anyway.  'sorry Lee but those awful shouty people who come to my ground made me do it'


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Been thinking that for a while as we plummet towards League one

Having played Russian Roulette with his heavy public backing the only hope for retaining fans respect in his judgements was / is that we escape relegation which would reduce the damage to some degree


Having dug his heels, and backed himself into a corner , in it now looks like his one hope of coming out of this in any positive way is sliding away at a pace 

If he sacks him it confirms he was wrong to appoint him and then back him (Albeit with the best of intention)

If he doesn't, and we get relegated , the fans faith , in his decision making and judgements , will , in the eye of a high proportion of the fan base,  be damaged in a major way IMHO

Increasingly Looks like he's  backed himself into a Lose / Lose scenario 


We could hope for his , and our sakes , that somehow escaping the drop will soften damage all round , but I sure can't see that happening for a moment as it stands right now

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46 minutes ago, Jack Dawe said:

Sometimes, when a chap has backed himself into a corner, and everyone is bellowing in his face and letting him know how wrong he was and how right they were all along (no, not spudski! Mr Lansdown), pride makes doing the right thing that much harder.

Steve needs a way out, without too much loss of face, or too much derision.

I can't think of one though. Oh dear...

Send Lee to the Cheltenham Festival next week and keep your fingers crossed?

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55 minutes ago, Jack Dawe said:

Sometimes, when a chap has backed himself into a corner, and everyone is bellowing in his face and letting him know how wrong he was and how right they were all along (no, not spudski! Mr Lansdown), pride makes doing the right thing that much harder.

Steve needs a way out, without too much loss of face, or too much derision.

I can't think of one though. Oh dear...

You call a press conference for 0900 Monday morning.

You explain why you have had to part company with Lee Johnson.

You say the results were unacceptable.

You man up and say you take responsibility for soldiering on, and that the fans and the club have to come first.

You announce the new manager, or give it to Pemberton until the end of the season.

Basically, put your hands up, be honest, and he will be forgiven.

SL is a ******* legend for BCFC, and we will forgive him anything if he fesses up.

Fess up Steve: do it in the morning.



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2 hours ago, Jack Dawe said:

Sometimes, when a chap has backed himself into a corner, and everyone is bellowing in his face and letting him know how wrong he was and how right they were all along (no, not spudski! Mr Lansdown), pride makes doing the right thing that much harder.

Steve needs a way out, without too much loss of face, or too much derision.

I can't think of one though. Oh dear...

Keep it simple-Be a man-hold your hands up and accept mistakes have been made,and most importantly apologise to the fans.

Takes a man to admit he's wrong,and he would be admired for it..so long as no bullshit,mind!

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We have seen that managerial appointments are not all science or logic - and those that are do not always work out - football management is one of those things that you can hardly ever predict the outcomes from. SL should feel no taint, or embarrassment that he has backed a manager and is trying to get our club a foundation in the Championship to build on. It has not worked out, the manager/coach is just not up to the job, so we continue and find someone who is. I would hope as a professional SL will not take it to personally, and see it as a business decision that needs to be taken and nothing more. That is why I don't like the personal abuse we see aimed at anyone, everyone is trying to do their jobs. If you can't customers complain and serial repeat offenders not performing get sacked and replaced, no need to make it personal. 

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2 hours ago, Jack Dawe said:

Sometimes, when a chap has backed himself into a corner, and everyone is bellowing in his face and letting him know how wrong he was and how right they were all along (no, not spudski! Mr Lansdown), pride makes doing the right thing that much harder.

Steve needs a way out, without too much loss of face, or too much derision.

I can't think of one though. Oh dear...

It's a bit like the Cuban Missile Crisis!  How do we get the Russians to back down without losing face?

Landown is Khrushchev - who will be our JFK!? (No-one I fear - we're doomed, I tell you, doomed)

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1 hour ago, Taxi for Johnson said:

You call a press conference for 0900 Monday morning.

You explain why you have had to part company with Lee Johnson.

You say the results were unacceptable.

You man up and say you take responsibility for soldiering on, and that the fans and the club have to come first.

You announce the new manager, or give it to Pemberton until the end of the season.

Basically, put your hands up, be honest, and he will be forgiven.

SL is a ******* legend for BCFC, and we will forgive him anything if he fesses up.

Fess up Steve: do it in the morning.



If he did this, he would certainly get my respect back. He's made a couple of poor comments lately but this would certainly help.

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12 minutes ago, Taxi for Johnson said:

There is NO proof they are having sex.

Stop spreading this rumour.



tfj  :protest:

Johnson has had a funny walk for a while, maybe just putting 2 and 2 together but look on the bright still more then what city can put together aha

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As I understand it, compensation  was paid for Johnson's services to his previous club,  knowing full well that His appointment would split the fan base from day one. It needed then as it does now for someone within the Club to front up, challenge and hold to account decisions made by non footballing people. Last season, again imo, Pemberton, Elliott and Tomlin in the main saved the Club from relegation, this bought Johnson a bit of time and credibility amongst many fans, unfortunately his lack of experience at this level and the non action to rectify this from the hierarchy has the Club on the fast boat to the 3rd division.  It's so unnecessary and such a shame.

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Being a successful human being and not just a successful businessman means being aware of your strengths and weaknesses and having the courage to say ' yeah , I was wrong ' .

I doesn't diminish you but makes you stronger.

I really thought that the ' penny had dropped ' with SL when he appointed Ashton and co to run the club but it appears that I was wrong .

( See SL nobody thinks any the worse of me  )

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