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Johnson a major doubt after falling down stairs

Jack Dawe

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Not another Lee Johnson thread?

No, no major doubts over Johnson here. The newspaper headline had me hoping though - yes, I know. I know! No need to shout! How disgraceful, I know, I know; hoping a small man in his 30s falls down stairs and sustains a minor injury to his back that keeps him off work for 5 weeks (in which time he undergoes a remarkable personal transformation and upsticks to the developing world to work with the poor, or converts to Islam like that winger at Wolves in the 70s - no, not Cat Stevens - and is never seen in professional football again). 

That's all, ok? I don't want him to die or his family to suffer (any more). Just a niggling little back injury, the sort we have all skivved off work for on a sunny day.

Dear god, I am sick of Johnson....

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