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Wishful Thinking

Septic Peg

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Ok, I'm dreaming and making a mountain out of a mole hill probably...


On the video of The day in the life of Tammy, we see him go into a meeting with the rest of the 1st team squad and staff. The projector screen shows the words "Bristol City players - off season 1st team contracted players"

Why would Tammy go into a meeting about the off season when a) he'd be back at Chelsea and b) he's not a contracted squad member? (ie not on our books permanently)

Shortly after, we see Tammy go into the changing rooms and once again, the white board in the background confirms the itinerary for the day, including aforementioned meeting...

Is Tammy on his way back already?

See for yourselves...

1:50 for the meeting and 4:29 for the whiteboard...


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4 minutes ago, WRERE said:

Although I like the optimism it looks like Adam Matthews was also part of the meeting and I can't imagine him coming back here

I've watched it back frame by frame and can't see Matthews anywhere in the meeting. Yes, he appears after with Tammy and GON but according to the itinerary, strappings were after the meeting but before training. Perhaps they didn't need any strappings and the paperwork they were holding was related to the days training session?


Clutching at straws I know...

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I like the fact Korey Smith is wearing a CHSW t-shirt (presumably) out of choice. He may/may not have known the camera was going to be there, but it's great to see a footballer visibly linked to such a great charity - one the club does lots for, admittedly - and not in a £200 designer shirt. Well done Korey.

I also like how we're all seeing different things in this vid. I can't believe how big Jamie 'Pato' Paterson's biceps are, he looks a sprite in a City shirt. Not that I was staring at his muscles, like, it's just an observation, obvs.

As for Tammy coming back, I'm afraid I'm in the not-in-a-million years camp. Nice try, Septic.

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