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Hi everyone,


I know much has already been said about the atmosphere last night, but I was so impressed, I wanted to make my first post to give my experience of it!

I was sat in the Lansdown, about as close to the away fans as you can get. I was looking back and forth at the chants from our crowd then the reaction of the Utd fans to them. Two moments to stood out for me.

The "here's to you Hörður Magnússon" and the "Johnson Bounce" chants.

The Utd fans looking on, you could see they were impressed. Probably as they're not one of those generic chants that everybody club sings. 

The Magnesson chant especially. With the unique clap that goes with it, through the red smoke, it looked epic. Almost something you see in continental Europe. Section 82, take a bow. You did a great job last night. And with the rest of the ground joining in in a way that wasn't happening in the old location. It's definitely working. If it can grow even more then it could become something really special.


Keep up up the good work everyone 




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