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No Rush To Replace Carey.....

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Guest yate_lad
No rush to replace Carey.....

He says he is concentrating on attacking options , i think we have a lot of good attacking players , we need to concentrate on another midfielder (left mid) and a defender , otherwise in my oppinion the squad is looking a bit thin.

Like l said before, Sol Davis me up landlord, good yound player from Bath. Love it

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I also found this on the other story titled show me what you can do:


"We could play a rigid 3-5-2 but we could be more flexible too, by, say, playing a striker behind a front two.

"That might be a role to suit someone like Christian or Marc Goodfellow but we're still at the planning stage and nothing is cast in stone."

Its like he's a mind reader or something! He thinks like the fans. A lot of us have been saying this and its good to know he considers it as an option. It will be really exciting next year if we have someone pacy behind the front two like roberts or goodfellow because they can get beyond them.

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I think this shows like many of us thought, that carey wasn't going to feature as much this year, because of the formation.

It was best for all concerned that the player has moved on. It was a shame that we couldn't have commanded a fee for him, but as no previous offers were made then there wasn't much the club could do about it.

I am looking forward to the new attack-minded football we will be playing. Far more exciting than all the safe defensive rubbish we watched last season, which at the end didn't get us what we set out to achieve.

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