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The stats from today

DT The Optimist

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The stats  sums up the performance that LJ dodged around a bit and I just wish the local reporters would have the balls to ask ? To give an offering really. 

Thanks to the BBC,  but today we had 40% possession against 60% but most damning is that they has 27 shots and we had 2 (TWO). Of which none were on target while they had 7 on target.   My wife could have played in goal today for Brentford and still cooked me tea ! 

Normally we see stats similar to Barnsley last weekend. Barnsley Stats were we had 61% possession against their 39% yet they still managed 23 shots against our 8, of which 2 were on target.  It is a theme that is often reproduced, a lack of cutting edge in 'recent months' .  The Burton stats, that were another appalling game from our perspective, show a similar theme. 

I certainly think for the last  few games he has got to have a radical re think. If Baker is not fit, why was he on the bench.  Earlier this season Baker and Flint were described as the best central partnership in the Championship (M McCarthy quote).  Lets get hold of the ball and do what we did in late summer and autumn, pass it, and control the middle of the park.  3.5.2  No shots no goals ! Simple a  


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We were scared today. Defending free kicks we had everyone behind the ball. At one point we had everyone in the box getting in the way of each other while the Brentford forwards were spaced out ready to make space for a pass. 

No desire to score on the break. No belief. 


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