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Mental Fragility

Major Isewater

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1 hour ago, tinman85 said:

Yes. I don't see any leaders but then Johnson always went missing when the going got tough on the pitch. 

Yep that's true, after we lost 5-0 at Preston last year, we folded like a pack of cards and went on to be relegated with a whimper. If only we had somebody that could have rallied the troops and got us playing again, we wouldn't be stuck down here with the blue few.

Oh wait..

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Just now, Wanderingred said:

Yep that's true, after we lost 5-0 at Preston last year, we folded like a pack of cards and went on to be relegated with a whimper. If only we had somebody that could have rallied the troops and got us playing again, we wouldn't be stuck down here with the blue few.

Oh wait..

Pathetic that we were even in a battle. 

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I think there's a point in here: why did a team who were up near the top, beating Prem teams suddenly lose their way so disastrously? Tactics that were sound and clever team selection turn to nothing? Lack of leaders, confidence or were we over-achieving before?

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8 minutes ago, Wanderingred said:

Indeed. And if we had a half decent manager who could lead us, we wouldn't be in such a desperate relegation battle again this year.

Oh wait. 

If the season started at the beginning of the year we would be in a relegation battle .

It was LJ himself who said very publicly that our players had a ' mental fragility ' .

So where's your argument ? 

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I think Johnson's Achilles heel is when the going gets tough he panics,  loses his judgement (look at yesterday's starting line-up!!) and the players pick up on that panic and play with doubts and fears and start not even being able to do the basics.

He isn't an inspirational manager in tough times.

All managers panic -I do in my job on occasion - but you have to make like a swan. Float on serenely whilst paddling frantically under the water.

I don't think that's Johnson's way. 

He has many good points and I think as a person I'd rather spend time with Lee than most managers we've had in recent years. But IMO this is an area he's weak in.

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1 hour ago, Major Isewater said:

If the season started at the beginning of the year we would be in a relegation battle .

It was LJ himself who said very publicly that our players had a ' mental fragility ' .

So where's your argument ? 

Errrr, but it didn't ? And we aren't? So where's your argument?

I'm not denying that things have gone horribly wrong but we can't just suddenly pretend that April to December of last year didn't happen, because it did. LJ has given us both incredible highs and miserable lows. As long as our trajectory remains an upward one season on season, he will still have my full support.

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3 minutes ago, Wanderingred said:

Errrr, but it didn't ? And we aren't? So where's your argument?

I'm not denying that things have gone horribly wrong but we can't just suddenly pretend that April to December of last year didn't happen, because it did. LJ has given us both incredible highs and miserable lows. As long as our trajectory remains an upward one season on season, he will still have my full support.

You talk about an upward trajectory, currently, our trajectory is going the other way.

You said that we are not in a relegation fight this year , I'm merely pointing out that ' this year ' we are in relegation form. 

I'm happy that all is well for you and I am delighted with the first two thirds of this season but how can you not see what is evident as we stumble towards the end of this season ? 


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1 hour ago, Major Isewater said:

You talk about an upward trajectory, currently, our trajectory is going the other way.

You said that we are not in a relegation fight this year , I'm merely pointing out that ' this year ' we are in relegation form. 

I'm happy that all is well for you and I am delighted with the first two thirds of this season but how can you not see what is evident as we stumble towards the end of this season ? 


I very much can see what is evident, hence my comment that things have gone horribly wrong. I was absolutely fuming yesterday, it was a disgrace. Im no happy clapper. This time 12 months ago I was very vocal in calling for his head. Even after we stayed up,  I predicted we would go down this season under LJ.

I'm just giving LJ the benefit of the doubt given that he will have improved our league position for the third year in succession in a very tough and competitive league. I think that's reasonable.

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13 minutes ago, Major Isewater said:

You talk about an upward trajectory, currently, our trajectory is going the other way.

You said that we are not in a relegation fight this year , I'm merely pointing out that ' this year ' we are in relegation form. 

I'm happy that all is well for you and I am delighted with the first two thirds of this season but how can you not see what is evident as we stumble towards the end of this season ? 



You've reached the same point as me Major. Your normal guarded optimism and light-hearted postings can only give way to a WHAT THE **** WAS THAT MESS! over yesterday's performance. The signs had been there, but I was looking for pluses not minuses, however there's no disguising the indefensible performance yesterday.

Naturally, I always want us to win, but I feel if Millwall do murder us on Saturday it might be a blessing in disguise. The "one point off the playoffs" demon will be off our shoulders and we might remember how to play football.

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8 minutes ago, Wanderingred said:

I very much can see what is evident, hence my comment that things have gone horribly wrong. I was absolutely fuming yesterday, it was a disgrace. Im no happy clapper. This time 12 months ago I was very vocal in calling for his head. Even after we stayed up,  I predicted we would go down this season under LJ.

I'm just giving LJ the benefit of the doubt given that he will have improved our league position for the third year in succession in a very tough and competitive league. I think that's reasonable.

I am not  - currently - calling for LJ to go, although I did last year!

Come the end of the season I would hope that the club would look very closely and work on remedial policies on two things,

1. Recruitment - no matter which way you look at it it has been appalling, we are relying on players that got us into this league with very few of the additions making any difference having cost reasonable amounts of money. Certainly more than the likes of Millwall, Preston and Sheff United, all of whome may well finish higher than us this season.

2. Plan B  - the coaching  team have to find a different way to play if Plan A is not working and we need to stop these ridiculous runs - which are not short - when we pick up very few points. If we start next season on one of those we could easily be in trouble.

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11 minutes ago, ScottishRed said:

I am not  - currently - calling for LJ to go, although I did last year!

Come the end of the season I would hope that the club would look very closely and work on remedial policies on two things,

1. Recruitment - no matter which way you look at it it has been appalling, we are relying on players that got us into this league with very few of the additions making any difference having cost reasonable amounts of money. Certainly more than the likes of Millwall, Preston and Sheff United, all of whome may well finish higher than us this season.

2. Plan B  - the coaching  team have to find a different way to play if Plan A is not working and we need to stop these ridiculous runs - which are not short - when we pick up very few points. If we start next season on one of those we could easily be in trouble.

Point one is exactly it. The League One promotion core all brought through prior to Ashton and Johnson are our key players on the whole. Sums up the decision making. 

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