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FA Cup Vs Leicester. The 'he's from another planet game.


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This was one of my favourite trips, yet I could easily have missed it. There we were having a few beers , waiting for the coach to come, when someone said the game was off according to Radio Bristol. Not believing this as , well you don't do you, we got hold of a radio and sure enough they announced again it was off. A mate had driven to the pub and we had a chat and decided as Spurs were home we'd nip up there to see a game. We got about 25 minutes up the motorway when radio 5 (was it R5 then?) announced the games off, sure enough no mention of our game, more checks and phone calls and we arranged to meet our coach in the services on the M5. See Radio Bristol has always been shit !
Anyway , this is worth putting up with the poor , ageing video for John Motson drooling over Jackie, Junior Bent looking like a real player and a real old fashioned cup tie. 


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Radio Brizz announced it was off only for an apology 20 mins later that it was on. It was just as well that I had kept the radio on whilst having breakfast!

John Motson was supposed to have been commentating at another game. That match was called off late morning. Fortunately, they just had enough time to get the cameras to Filbert Street. Because it was a 'top class ground',  video and audio cables were permanently available the stadium (Ashton Gate had the same facility). It was just a matter of unloading the cameras and getting them to the gantry.  

The crew and equipment arrived at 1 pm and they were ready for the kick off.

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Dziekanowski seems a snip at quarter of a million, well by today’s standards’


’well des, it’ll soon transpire that he has a terrible drink problem and work ethic, as well as an inability to keep his willy in his pants especially around married woman. This will ultimately mean he’s not  the best all round team player and and more of a destructive dressing room presence as a opposed to a galvanising one. I would suspect Celtic would have let him go for free truth be told’


’I see, thanks Trevor’

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What a Cup tie that was. I was there.

We had half the touchline and part of the end behind the goal (took 1000s). If memory serves me right the atmosphere in the old Filbert Street was rockin (gr8 old skool football ground). Memory not gr8 but I think this was the year we beat Chelsea home also? We were playing some brilliant football that season and the club, fans and background staff were all together as one (RIP Beryl Fudge).

Whereas nowadays the club is somewhat fragmented and usually at war with one another usually. Look at OTIB lately! The chamaraderie was 100% in those days - real club! 

We also had some real characters in the team - Jacky was on another planet most definitely as was others. Great memories!

RM from Bath (who BBSB knows) got nicked for invading the pitch at the end (OB could not catch me - he was pissed). He then spent the evening on the piss in Leicester (again) after being released from the nick, slept rough, and got the choo choo home next day - great memories. Miss it to be honest. Thanks for posting.

Best days following Bristol City!

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2 hours ago, 1960maaan said:

This was one of my favourite trips, yet I could easily have missed it. There we were having a few beers , waiting for the coach to come, when someone said the game was off according to Radio Bristol. Not believing this as , well you don't do you, we got hold of a radio and sure enough they announced again it was off. A mate had driven to the pub and we had a chat and decided as Spurs were home we'd nip up there to see a game. We got about 25 minutes up the motorway when radio 5 (was it R5 then?) announced the games off, sure enough no mention of our game, more checks and phone calls and we arranged to meet our coach in the services on the M5. See Radio Bristol has always been shit !
Anyway , this is worth putting up with the poor , ageing video for John Motson drooling over Jackie, Junior Bent looking like a real player and a real old fashioned cup tie. 


Ha. I was a victim of the radio bristol match off scam as well. Went in to work overtime. No mobile in them days. Frantic phone call from the old dear and just made the coach in time. It was bedlam at the gate with people having to be put on any old coach thanks to the confusion - amazingly I ended up on the right coach! Fantastic game to boot. What a day.

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2 hours ago, Davefevs said:

Had lots of games called off that winter, so I went to both the Leicester and Forest away games.  The Leicester match was a great game.

I went to both too. Great times, although we were never in the Forest game. 

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You had to be there but, trust me, I scored the first.

I had somewhat of a reputation of being able to 'get inside other's heads' (players or officials) and we were front row touchline beneath the lino's ankles. From the warm up I gave him nothing but 'polite and gentle advice' to avoid watching anything other than Junior, what with him being so quick. Without my letting up eventually that's what he did such when Jacki was clearly offside on the through ball the lino was looking  yards back at Junior. Breaking forward the ref looked at the lino with a 'surely he was off' glance and gesture and the lino wagged his head and his kept flag down.

When he came back for the restart I and my colleagues gave him utter grief for having made such a howler. He went to pieces.

Great day.

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