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The Under 16's


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Most of you know i expect that the U 16's is a great place to find decent players without the fee (except a little)

I signed Aaron Lennon from Leeds after selling 8 players to raise the 650k need to get him, but he was expensive.

But trawling through them every now and then you can find a diamond addition for nothing, train him for a few seasons and hey presto you've got a Wonderkid!

I allways love looking for good youth talent and then ship them on to make some good profit.

Remember that every game is differant (to a degree) so a promising player starting one new game may not be so good in the next new game due to the random skill gerarator. so i remind you allway check the sign's of quality and don't rely too much on "known players" even though they are allways the most reliable.

I once had a game with City where Marvin Brown was a promising striker from when i started to a clinical striker when he was in his peak (got 3 ENG caps too)

Good Luck!

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Evocare - do you offer different training methods to the youth players, compaired to the first team?

Does training really make a big difference in the game? I tend to just chuck them on loan or an odd game in the first team as sub, and see how they do?

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Evocare - do you offer different training methods to the youth players, compaired to the first team?

Does training really make a big difference in the game? I tend to just chuck them on loan or an odd game in the first team as sub, and see how they do?

Yes, training makes a big impact, expecially with your youth team.

I suggest you try to use a coach with good determination and a high rating in working with younsters 18/19/20, and of course training outfield players, you can usually trawl through the lower divisions to pick one up quite easy if you dont have one already.

I find the preset training schedule sufficient for training your youth & U19's, you can of course tinkner with it a little, like adding a few more training exercises in the fields you think they may need to improve, you can judge for yourself.

Most important of all is giving them frequent first team action or as you suggested loaning them out.

I usually identify about 5 new recruits i want to keep an eye on at the start of the season and give them occasional runs in the first team (i actually put them in the first team, not just select them for the match as this improves their moral)

usually the games i know i'll win, or the LDV trophy haha!

It's hard to know who the best one's are and somtimes its just best to keep an eye over all of them and see who performs, but i allway look for determination above all, as without this they will never quite become the player they could be if you know what i mean, 14 and above is fine though.

I allways have them on the bench and usually replace them betweed the 50th and 80 minute depending on curcumstances, and if they have really deserved it? then they may start! who knows :D

Good luck in finding that talant and if there is anything else you wanna know about CM just ask :D

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