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Red Army 75

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Just watching this on you tube . Some unbelievable atmospheres .Me personally i think it’s brilliant. 

So who on here has been to a game with atmospheres like that . Or been to games like watching red star . Even the basketball in Greece I think. Is mental. 

Would love to sample an atmosphere like one of those . 

Cant wait to start come on you reds on Friday. :fear:


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3 hours ago, Davefevs said:

Bristol Flyers v Newcastle Eagles - playoff quarter-final second leg - wow, what noise and atmosphere from 750 fans in an enclosed space 

My son wants me to take him to the new arena when it’s built. Might take him before that . 

As for Friday I got 20 flairs . A box of fire crackers and some smoke bombs. 

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Back when I was based in Athens, I was the token British bloke in the AEK Gate 21 beauties!  Good times in the old stadium, sadly bulldozed now.  Police used to take all loose change off you at the gate (to prevent it being thrown apparently) so it was wise to use all the odd metal drachma up in a bar beforehand.  Unbelievable atmosphere, especially when turning over PAO (Panathinaikos) home or away.  Ground was full about two hours before kick off and the flares were everywhere.  Greek footy is still a bit nuts with the owner of PAOK being arrested for running on the pitch with a gun last season after the ref disallowed a goal! 


Funny buggers those Salonican sides, always seems to be someone else's fault…………… sound familiar????

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