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Some tactical thoughts

Mr Popodopolous

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Thought about this in recent days and again yesterday- soon as I saw the side, and worked out the likely shape I thought it wouldn't be great. I was not in the LJ out camp but a lot closer now.

Walsh would definitely have been in a central 3 for me, but now he's injured got to revise this. Anyway, seems to be that LJ is trying to shoehorn all the creative players in and while I wouldn't quite call it a broken team, it's unbalanced. It's disjointed- perhaps confused? Perhaps that is our identity at this time- confused.

Even the injuries notwithstanding though, the plan as constituted, whatever it is, is really quite flawed IMO.

Paterson and Diedhiou. I believe he's trying to ultimately recreate the excellent 4-4-1-1 of last November-mid Jan. I know we have had a change around in personnel and I know we shouldn't be expecting in my view more than midtable this year but the thought maybe alright- the way he's implementing it absolutely not. Like he's trying to please everyone and in fact pleasing nobody- doubt any fans are happy with recent displays, know I'm not. However Paterson behind Reid- yes jackpot. Behind Weimann, similar, behind Taylor enough similarities for it to make sense stylistically. Diedhiou? Definitely not I think.

The midfield? When will he learn that pulling off a 2 centrally (I believe it's a 4-2-3-1 atm) at this level centrally and particularly if you are with an attacking mindset is really difficult- but not insurmountable. However if you have a '2' centrally you desperately need someone on one of the wings or in this instance as a wide midfielder who can come in as and when and is comfortable with it. Brownhill fulfilled this role excellently during our golden period. Plus we could and did overload quite a bit given we had 4 CB's, Paterson behind Reid and so on. In the absence of that though, you definitely require a 3.

The defence- it weakens those with the ability to be ball playing defenders if you have 2 central midfielders in front- you need that option, that 3rd or even that deeper lying players between the defence and midfield in a 4-1-4-1 to enable a mix of ball circulation, fluidity and yet security too. We lack a lot of this at the current time.

Paterson- Play as a 10 behind the appropriate striker/strikers or not at all. 

Diedhiou? As stated above, won't work in the current shape. Different skillsets for a start, if you play him it needs to be with wingers in a 4-3-3, and when I say wingers I don't mean Weimann and Paterson, I mean Eliasson and O'Dowda.

As I say, trying to please everyone and actually negating things for everyone is how I see it.

A few potential XI's given the current injuries I think he should be considering:


Hunt Webster Kalas Kelly

Brownhill Pack Morrell? Eliasson


    Weimann or Taylor



Hunt Webster Kalas Kelly


O'Dowda Brownhill Pack Eliasson


    Weimann or Taylor



Hunt Webster Kalas Kelly


O'Dowda Brownhill Pack Eliasson




Hunt Webster Kalas Kelly

Brownhill Pack Morrell

O'Dowda               Eliasson  


At least you'd have a consistent shape then I think, plus there would be enough defensive depth to cover a bit better for turnovers of the ball- Walsh being injured is a bummer because our best performance in recent times was the 2nd half v Stoke when Walsh, Pack and Brownhill were in a 3. What LJ now though, don't see it working- use wingers with a 3 man central midfield if it's all about Diedhiou, or if it's Paterson behind Weimann or Taylor play to the strengths of that combination- Paterson and Weimann in and around Diedhiou is like chalk and cheese.

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5 minutes ago, Drew Peacock said:

I particularly like this formation.  And possibly the kind of stunt LJ would try..............


Aaaah, see what I've done there- copied and pasted formations and they must have merged...


Hunt Webster Kalas Kelly


 O'Dowda Brownhill Pack Eliasson




Hunt Webster Kalas Kelly

Brownhill Pack Morrell Eliasson


    Weimann OR Taylor

That's what it SHOULD read. :laughcont:

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