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Tv's Caught Red Handed & other true crime programmes


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Why when showing cctv of criminals 'in action'...  subsequently leading to successful convictions do the programmes protect the identities of the guilty toe rags by blurring their faces..?  in the crime footage itself and on the police mug shots that they pointlessly display on screen but are completely censored and blurred out. ffs Why?

Also how shocking is it after watching some serious crime gangs and criminals committing what most if us would regard as awful crimes to discover the all so often trivial and unbelievable sentences handed down? 

Never a mention of them having to pay back the thousands of pounds worth of damage to property, police cars, bollards, street furniture, cars belonging to members of the public, felled street lamps etc etc etc.. recklessly caused during the crime itself and often in desperate attempts to avoid the police catching them … Seems its worth it to the criminals to make a run for it every time rather than giving up sensibly..

If running, getting involved in vehicle chases etc carried a mandatory prison penalty in itself ON TOP the sentence for the initial crime maybe they wouldn't be so inclined to chance it, endangering not only themselves, the pursuing police and innocent members of the public.. 

These true life TV programmes leave me shaking my head in disbelief at how often the sentences don't apoear to match the crime...

The toe rags are having a right old laugh, weighing up their chances and the courts not supporting the coppers who risk their lives getting them there... more importantly the dangers these arseholes create for the rest of us.

Derisory penalties, and protected ID's even after conviction ..  Crazy bloody country we live in!  

Let Us All See The Bastards! 

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I watch quite a few of those Police Interceptor programs and always amazed when they get caught driving while disqualified, no tax, insurance and at the end the program says they got banned for a further 6 months and got 6 points on their license...as if that would mean they would stop driving...

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