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That "Bristol" Thing

Port Said Red

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I know it grates on the ears, it does for me too. I heard Tony Thorpe speak in the hosspitality lounge last week, and hearing him refer to us as Bristol, still feels wrong.

However I think it's time to embrace it and maybe use it more ourselves. We no longer have the issue of being confused with the rugby as the "bears" moniker is being pushed at every opportunity, and with every use it emphasises just how irrelevant the other team have become. On my travels in the last year I have been asked 3 or 4 times "aren't there 2 teams in Bristol?"

It's time people, time to make One Team in Bristol meaningful and claim this great citys name for our own.

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32 minutes ago, RedDave said:

No thanks. You said it grates on the ears so why would you want it. 

As if fans are going to start calling ourselves Bristol

Locally it will always be until there is literally OTIB. However I am up for embracing it on a national basis.

29 minutes ago, Lew-T said:

It’s always been City, and it always will be.

You think Sheffield Wednesday fans refer to themselves as Sheffield?

Of course not, but there are two teams there with equally matched, size, status and history. Not the same situation is it? :)

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47 minutes ago, Port Said Red said:

Locally it will always be until there is literally OTIB. However I am up for embracing it on a national basis.

Of course not, but there are two teams there with equally matched, size, status and history. Not the same situation is it? :)

Think you responded exactly as I was gonna.

It really doesn’t bother me.

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4 hours ago, Port Said Red said:

I know it grates on the ears, it does for me too. I heard Tony Thorpe speak in the hosspitality lounge last week, and hearing him refer to us as Bristol, still feels wrong.

However I think it's time to embrace it and maybe use it more ourselves. We no longer have the issue of being confused with the rugby as the "bears" moniker is being pushed at every opportunity, and with every use it emphasises just how irrelevant the other team have become. On my travels in the last year I have been asked 3 or 4 times "aren't there 2 teams in Bristol?"

It's time people, time to make One Team in Bristol meaningful and claim this great citys name for our own.

I think it’s very unfair to just simply disregard Manor Farm like that..! 

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Is it laziness, pure and simple. 

I correct anyone I hear using it, simply because out of respect, you wouldn't hear anyone refer to either of the Manchester teams as 'Manchester'. 

Some have already bemoaned us possibly losing some of our identity under the Bristol Sport banner.

Maybe I'm being a bit petty; but to me Bristol are the rugby team. We are Bristol City.

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4 hours ago, Port Said Red said:

Locally it will always be until there is literally OTIB. However I am up for embracing it on a national basis.

Of course not, but there are two teams there with equally matched, size, status and history. Not the same situation is it? :)

This is the key. Locally clarification is still required as there is scope for some people to mistake the northern rabble for a football club. However, if you ever spend much time in London, Manchester, or travel abroad you will find that most people hold City in far higher esteem. They naturally refer to the one club that they have heard of as "Bristol". It is a matter of perspective.

We should take it as the highest of compliments that for many, Bristol is a one team city.

I love hearing us referred to as "Bristol".

In the same way in Colchester "United" might mean the local team, Colchester United. However, go into any pub in London and ask if someone thinks United are playing well and they will tell you how much they love Pogba and Rashford. That compliments Man Utd as being the only "United" worthy of national recognition.

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19 minutes ago, KingLear said:

you wouldn't hear anyone refer to either of the Manchester teams as 'Manchester'.

But with the Manchester teams we, in this country, have to distinguish between them as they are clubs of equal size and status on the widest stage. They compete in the same league and are often both involved in the latter stages of cup competitions. 12 years ago I was in China and, as it is an international language and a good ice breaker, spoke to some local lads about English football. They loved Beckham, England and Manchester. When they said Manchester they meant United. Many were only vaguely aware that there was a Manchester City (this was 2007, the Shinawatra era, when they were just beginning to make waves). The Chinese guys I spoke to required no distinguishing word because so far as they cared, there was just one team in Manchester.

We are leaps and bounds ahead of the Gas. To give them the respect of requiring a clarification as to which team you are referring to when you say "Bristol" in a footballing context is beyond reasonable generosity.

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1 hour ago, ExiledAjax said:

But with the Manchester teams we, in this country, have to distinguish between them as they are clubs of equal size and status on the widest stage. They compete in the same league and are often both involved in the latter stages of cup competitions. 12 years ago I was in China and, as it is an international language and a good ice breaker, spoke to some local lads about English football. They loved Beckham, England and Manchester. When they said Manchester they meant United. Many were only vaguely aware that there was a Manchester City (this was 2007, the Shinawatra era, when they were just beginning to make waves). The Chinese guys I spoke to required no distinguishing word because so far as they cared, there was just one team in Manchester.

We are leaps and bounds ahead of the Gas. To give them the respect of requiring a clarification as to which team you are referring to when you say "Bristol" in a footballing context is beyond reasonable generosity.

Some good points there.

Of course we are leaps and bounds ahead of the other lot, but regardless of the size and stature of a club, it can't be denied that the other lot do in fact exist. 

Its only my opinion of course, and an interesting debate to have. Maybe it's me I don't know, but whenever anyone asks me what team I support I take great pride in saying Bristol City and can't ever think of a time when I would reply with simply Bristol. 

I like people to be aware that I don't associate myself with the other lot haha.

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23 minutes ago, KingLear said:

Some good points there.

Of course we are leaps and bounds ahead of the other lot, but regardless of the size and stature of a club, it can't be denied that the other lot do in fact exist. 

Its only my opinion of course, and an interesting debate to have. Maybe it's me I don't know, but whenever anyone asks me what team I support I take great pride in saying Bristol City and can't ever think of a time when I would reply with simply Bristol. 

I like people to be aware that I don't associate myself with the other lot haha.

I agree. I also will proudly say that I support Bristol City. However, should someone in the media refer to us as Bristol then I take pride in that as well. 

I guess it's like fans of Frank Lampard's Derby County being ok with just being called "Derby".

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