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Football Leaks- Man City and that

Mr Popodopolous

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Saw this on my Twitter feed last night and found it again earlier.

Didn't realise but European prosecutors are genuinely interested it appears in the guy behind Football Leaks or one of them- he is Portuguese and currently fighting extradition from Hungary- may go well beyond FFP but law will take its course etc.

However, it appears that PL, FA, UEFA and FIFA- no interest.


However- and I apologise for the source- this article hasn't aged well because a day after being written I just found this with a quick search...


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Well well...

That Independent article- assuming this story isn't a sham- seems to have moved things. ?


With what they have seemingly allegedly been allowed to get away with, I half wonder(ed) whether UEFA with certain clubs have been pretending to take it all very seriously with fingers crossed behind their backs or a wink and a nod or stand there whistling...

"Yes we *will* 'investigate' you for FFP."..while secretly agreeing with the clubs that any publicly announced declaration was just for PR.

If not? If they are guilty...Throw the book UEFA!!

The matter of admissibility is a questionable one, but if prosecutors are willing to consider documents such as these, then perhaps it *might* be acceptable for UEFA to do likewise.

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8 hours ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Is this about similar things? I'll have to get that!

It’s about the guy behind all of the leaks that have come out over the last few years. Written by a journalist from Der Spiegel who met up regularly with him. You’ll see the game in a far different light after reading it!

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