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Huddersfield charged by FA for misconduct over paddy Power publicity stunt


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Not that keen on City having a gambling company logo on the front of our own adult shirts TBH, given the distress that a gambling addiction can cause to individuals and their families. Would imagine that everyone who starts gambling doesn't intend to get addicted, but most know that some people will due to the effects that the trill and buzz and excitement that one gets from it. 

Would much rather City use it's profile to advertise a local charity or organisation that could benefit from the exposure, Jon Lansdown readily admits the club has a community responsibility given it's special place in that community, but I feel slightly uneasy that this particular connection doesn't fit comfortably within that. I know we don't advertise on the front of the kids shirts, which is a good thing, but surely in so doing that's a tacit acceptance that there's potential harm associated with the practice of gambling, and that could even make the thought that gambling is indeed a right of passage for those old enough or big enough to wear an adult shirt. 


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