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BCFC X NHS stickers


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Was looking into getting some stickers printed for work and thought it could possibly be a good way raise some money for the NHS trust and a food bank in Bristol.

So, if there’s enough interest I can order some in bulk and make a decent donation to both causes.

£12 for 50 stickers posted out to you. (8cm x 4.5cm) 25 of each design shown.

If enough interest, would work out at just under £10 donation on each order.

Comment if you’d like some and I can order and get them out to you next week.

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59 minutes ago, phantom said:

Just my opinion not sure the money raised is as required by the NHS with all the millions being raised. 

I'm sure the local charity would feel appreciate the donation more 

My pal (frontline Dr) who is recovering from pneumonia which he got after testing positive for coronavirus would agree.

He would also like people to stop clapping for the NHS and instead would much rather people took a minute to email their local MP to demand NHS staff have the right PPE and working environment.

Was grateful for the support when the applause started, but now would rather see a more practical approach.

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