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The Announcer


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Why does the announcer bloke really, and I mean really, really hype up Leroy Lita's name at the beginning of the match???? He shouts out 'LEEEEERRROOOOYYYYYY LLLLLLLLIIIITTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' Can he be truely called a 'Fans Favourite'? If so just when was this decided???

I have nothing against Leroy but I thought it was well OTT today. It probably adds more pressure to him and if I was another player, eg Roberts, I wouldn't be too impressed. I know he has scored some important goals but why does his name seem to send the announcer into hyperdrive compared to say Coles?

I can understand the announcer is trying to get the crowd going, whip up some atmosphere, but why Lita? Fair enough for Doc or Tinnion as they are long standing members of the team with important roles, but Lita? Maybe it just sounds nice. :(

Another thing, why did the announcer today do the usual 'debut' thing, you know 'give a big hand for....' Smith and Orr today and not Heffernan? I was listening, he just read his name out, pretty poor I thought.

I've no gripe with the announcer, it probably isn't an easy job to do with lots going on etc. BUT treat all the players the same, ie don't decide our heros for us,or don't bother! :@ :city:

Ah, thats better! :blink:

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Why does the announcer bloke really, and I mean really, really hype up Leroy Lita's name at the beginning of the match???? He shouts out 'LEEEEERRROOOOYYYYYY LLLLLLLLIIIITTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' Can he be truely called a 'Fans Favourite'? If so just when was this decided???


I think hes just trying to get the atmosphere improved a bit, I'm all for topless darts but cant see it happening!

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Listen to it Leroy Lita rowles off the tounge, i see you havent mentioned the start of the game where CCCCOOOOMMMEEE ONNN YYOOOUUU REEEDDDsss seems to get the place buzzing, he really gets the atmoshpere going!

Yes but the 'Come on you Reds', applies to everybody, players and fans alike. My point is Lita gets such a build up compared to some others, just for having a name that rolls off the tongue it seems. I want him to read all the names out in a similar fashion, or not. Now some are just rushed through whilst others have a big build up and then a pause for cheers and applause after.

Maybe I'm just having a bad day and it doesn't matter as much as I think it does! :city::(

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Why does the announcer bloke really, and I mean really, really hype up Leroy Lita's name at the beginning of the match???? He shouts out 'LEEEEERRROOOOYYYYYY LLLLLLLLIIIITTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' Can he be truely called a 'Fans Favourite'? If so just when was this decided???


I think hes just trying to get the atmosphere improved a bit, I'm all for topless darts but cant see it happening!

Oh God. And you are the person who wants the subbers out of the Williams Stand?

Trying to get the atmosphere improved a bit? Apparently according to you we should be silent in the WIlliams so you can have a conversation with your friends.....


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Guest Harchesterx1

I'm glad someone else noticed MrDC was the same person as the on trying to get the subbers out.... I would have thought he would have wanted a announcer who whisperd everything so it dint hurt his ears... Anyway i just like saying LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEROY its cool and catchy not like HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN i hope thats how you spell it i knew i should have gone to all my English lessons..

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Exactly Lita is indeed a fans favourite, while other strikers just get abused because they are from Wales even though they are better players than Lita.

You're spot on Spud. If he can do it for Leroy, he could do it for Robbo. :@

Announcer- "The Magician who took City to the Millennium!"

ALL TOGETHER NOW - "ROBBO!, ROBBO!, ROBBO!" Good to see Tinman join in too. :(

Tim Caple commentated brilliantly on Soccer Sunday when he scored - "CHRISTIAAANN ROBBBBERRRRRTTTTTS!" :blink:

Hoping (against hope) for more of the same on Tuesday. :city:

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I'm glad someone else noticed MrDC was the same person as the on trying to get the subbers out.... I would have thought he would have wanted a announcer who whisperd everything so it dint hurt his ears... Anyway i just like saying LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEROY its cool and catchy not like HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN i hope thats how you spell it i knew i should have gone to all my English lessons..

And the word of Today is Heffernan......not exactly the first word in your vocabulary when teaching your kids is it? :(

View the posts by MrDC, seems a cunning plan (my lord, I have a).

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Guest Harchesterx1

Well my did try to get me to spell Jaki Dwibisoski or is it Jaki Diewabosikie when i was 6 10 years later i still can't spell it, the shame i bring to my family. i only missed one letter though in Heffernan. Be back soon just going to wake up my dad and tell him at last i will be able to sleep in my bed again...

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