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Some Thoughts On Today...


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Right, firstly Smith is not the player Carey was and will not forge forward with any urgency. This is OK, but he must lay the ball to Murray ON THE RUN. Murray is far more effective picking the ball up on the run, just like when Tins used to set him on his way week in week out.

Secondly, can Tins actually see the game on the pitch as we can from the stands? Barring Lita's excellent finish, for the first half it didn't look like we had a goal in us! Something needed changing and I am sure Tins was not aware of it from where he was standing.

On a positive note, Matt Hill played out of his skin and Bradley Orr looks like an exceptional prospect. On a negative note, I hope Tins starts learning his new trade very quickly, or I am afraid it could be another season of shiite.

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Bradley Orr: cool, composed, a real find.MOTM today without a doubt.

Smith: a decent replacement for carey.Looked good enough for me.

Anyinsah:He must be played. Made a difference when he came on. Would like to see more of him.


Murray:Out of position and it showed. This must be changed/improved.IF we had been seeing Murray for the first time today we would have wondered about the player we had signed.The 'real' Murray will return soon.

Heffernan: Felt he could/should have done more today. Early days yet. Reminded me a bit of Thorpe, only different! :(

I'm sure I could be over critical here, it's easily done,but I don't want my negatives to be overly negative!

I thought maybe Lita was about to be subbed when he scored, that maybe messed up Tins/Millens plans a bit as you can't take off a player who has just scored can you??

We lacked that spark today, maybe we were guilty of expecting too much. It was very hot too, I'll be glad when we are back playing in football weather! I didn't notice the players drinking very much (water!) today either. Last year I remember there being bottles all round the ground and they were drinking at every opportunity.

At least we didn't loose. It just felt like we did for a while! :city:

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