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Bristol R*vers dustbin thread


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I see they’re suggesting tweeting Wally to let their feelings be known 

Thought it was just us fickle lot who voice our discontent when things aren’t going smoothly

Guess it shows they aren’t so different to every other bunch for fans up and down the country no matter what their over inflated opinions of themselves may be

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Oh dear...’faithful n true’...never slag off their managers “like dey gert shit Ed’s”, always get behind the man in charge, blah, blah, blah



Edited by Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan
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1 hour ago, wendyredredrobin said:

And what is Ben Garner's win ratio looking like now? 

Well below 10% I think and one point from 3 games extrapolates to 15 points for the whole season if they carry on like this.

Someone on Radio Bristol said it was approx 9.8% (I can’t remember the exact figure). What was amazing was the caller said there had been a couple of managers with an even worse record. 

1 hour ago, 22A said:

Charles Dickens - "A tale of two cities" could sum this up.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair,

Dear @22A. I like your post that elevates the forum to a higher level with a quotation from the classics, but I feel that I must point out an error in your summary. There has been no best of times nor season of light with Ben Garner. I’ll give you a quote from Shakespeare:

“The instruments of darkness tell us truths”

In other words, the truth is Ben Garner is a crap manager 



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57 minutes ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

I wonder if the bedsheets will be out up the Gloucester Road.

If they are I sincerely hope they`ve washed them first - the thought of walking along and to be suddenly confronted by a g*sheads crusty nocturnal emissions doesn`t bear thinking about.

Oh, please. That's where I live, it's a nice neighbourhood, decent people. Most of the time. 

giphy (3) (2).gif

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8 minutes ago, RUSSEL85 said:

Decent signing and guaranteed goals 

This. Even if can`t go the full 90 he`s great to bring on for the last twenty to bang a couple in. He`s a natural finisher and hits the ball harder than practically anyone I`ve seen at City since Alan Walsh.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it was criminal the way he was treated at City.

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19 minutes ago, Shaun Taylor said:

Apparently he fell out with Kenny Jacket last season and Pompey fans weren't happy when he left 

Bret never had any pace when he was with us so he’s got none to lose with age. Natural goal scorers are the same no Matter what age though and he’s definitely that. 

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1 hour ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

Oh dear...’faithful n true’...never slag off their managers “like dey gert shit Ed’s”, always get behind the man in charge, blah, blah, blah



This guy gets it .

But we are a laughing stock.

As a gas head it would hurt me bitterly to own this club and keep a man in charge with 2 wins in a calendar year to the point that even national media have picked up on it because it’s so unusual. 

Wael has paid off the debt and fair play, but these are unusual circumstances and I feel he needs to be grilled by Geoff so he can explain to supporters exactly what justification there is for continuing to employ a man who not only cannot win a game as long as he has got a hole in his arse but who insults the fan’s intelligence along with it.

We are a joke of a club, no other club in the league would tolerate a win ratio of less than 10% over half a seasons worth of games‘ 


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Just now, Bristol Rob said:

I'm waiting for the Henbury exclusive where some manager just happened to have popped in to his shop to get his laptop de-porned who happens to have just got back from an interview in Jordan and is now in the area looking at property.

Only then will be really know what's going on. More hilarious scenes await.

I must admit, it makes a change for the hilarity to be on the pitch rather than off it for once.

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