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Another example of Modern Football?


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The insidious nature of the way Modern Football is going: am I alone in noticing that at the Etihad and Molyneaux recently the advertising boards are now double height?

Was the intrusive and distracting use of the single boards not enough? Will it not be long before the whole pitch is covered in adverts and the players confined to a sideshow around the touchlines? Harrumph!


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Well it could be worse, you could be a Birmingham city fan and have to put up with 3 sides of the grounds lower tiers being given over to advertising at the detriment to the fans and atmosphere. What a f***** disgrace, just like watching a game during covid.

On the optical illusion man city advertising, yeah it is twice as distracting as normal, what a sad state of affairs football has become!

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2 hours ago, jaydee=inspiration said:

Well it could be worse, you could be a Birmingham city fan and have to put up with 3 sides of the grounds lower tiers being given over to advertising at the detriment to the fans and atmosphere. What a f***** disgrace, just like watching a game during covid.

On the optical illusion man city advertising, yeah it is twice as distracting as normal, what a sad state of affairs football has become!

The stands were closed due to corrosion found in some pillars, I think they can still only get to about a third of capacity. Makes sense trying to get some money in while they can't get all the fans in.

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5 hours ago, Roe said:

I'm surprised a club hasn't yet replaced all the fans with advertising and just played ad jingles over the tannoy for 90 minutes

Well I do remember a few years back Arsenal, I think it was, being brave enough to declare that with all the premier league tv money etc sloshing around they didn’t actually need fans in the stadium to make loads of dosh - I think they even maligned the fact that because they had to pay Police costs and staff costs for looking after a large crowd, that commitment significantly ate into their profits - so a club actually ‘replacing’ fans may not be as far off or ridiculous as some might think ... I believe managers, coaches and players would fight tooth and nail against that but those billionaire owners upstairs, some with no appreciation of fans’ passion and influence on games, would simply look at balance sheets and run ‘their’ clubs as they see fit ... ??

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