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All Matches Postponed Until At Least 12/9/22


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5 minutes ago, mozo said:

I actually think this is a PR problem for the monarchy. 

There was a possibility that there would be footage of hundreds of thousands of football fans across the land triumphantly singing GStQ in tribute. It would have been a moving image.

But no. 

Instead, there will be a large section of our society at a further loss that their plans have been taken away from them. Then the funeral will come around and much like the Jubilee, during a national cost of living crisis we will see gilded carriages and regalia to remind us that the elites are treated differently. 

This could have been a more inclusive process.

In fairness we saw at Hearts last night that won't always be the case with football fans.

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What a pointless absurdity.  It seems to be that Rugby, Cricket, Golf etc are mostly going ahead...and even the Queen's main sporting interest of Racing is resuming on Sunday.  Yet in a disrupted season, due to the ridiculously inappropriate Qatar fiasco, the cretins at the Football League and the FA have their nose's so far up the establishments  ass's, that after chatting over Scotch, at their Tory drinking clubs ......they decide,    for no particular reason, to ruin everyone's plans and create more unnecessary expense & disruption,      for in particular lower league sides?    I have respect for the Queen, and on the day of her funeral, everything should be done to allow the nation to mourn a great lady.  But the Deadwood who run our football continue to stumble on with no forward thinking or idea.

Theyr'e could have been so many smarter, relevant  and suitable ways to have handled this, and large crowds would have already been in place for people to pay tribute to, and give praise for our monarch, in various ways?  What a missed opportunity by the Clowns. ??      

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33 minutes ago, Sir Geoff said:

The Queen has been a long time patron of the FA, so they took the decision out of respect. What cinemas, rugby, horse racing, hospitality etc do to mark their respect is up to those organisations, not the FA

Ok then, will you please tell me how not playing football expresses respect?

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3 hours ago, BrizzleRed said:

Rather than calling it mourning, I’d call it a mark of respect.  

Is missing 22 people kicking a bag of wind around a football field that big a deal really??

It's not just about the game itself, it's about the effect it will have on people's livelihoods, mental well being etc. Surely you can see that.

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1 hour ago, BrizzleRed said:

From a personal perspective as a ST holder, I can live with one match being delayed, without having a hissy fit like some are.

so can I….I still think it was the wrong decision.  That decision is looking worse (imho) as other sports return to action.  The Bears Rugby one just doubles down on it for me.

If we’re still having this discussion this time next week and football hasn’t re-started, then I’ll be in complete agreement with you Dave.

See, next weekend if they say “games cancelled, police resources stretched” I’m completely fine with that.


1 hour ago, Tinmans Love Child said:

They’ve cancelled the games as a “mark of respect” not because they can’t guarantee security or anything like that so not sure it’s really relevant


1 hour ago, Ghost Rider said:

Some of the reactions on here have actually blown my mind. A game of football is being rescheduled, because one of the most prominent people in living history has died. 

Can you imagine if someone said "why are we mourning Stoney, he's just another old man" there would be outcry on here. 

Basically, she was everything that all you disrespectful posters aren't. That's what made her so great. That's what made her so loved. 

You'll get to see your game of football, don't worry. But in the mean time, please let a lot of people who want to mourn, mourn with respect.


Why does Stoney need to be brought into it?

As for your other comments, that’s your opinion….I don’t share it.  That’s not being disrespectful, it’s just she’s had no / any real impact on my life.  If you want to mourn, you go ahead, that’s absolutely your right.  Nobody is stopping you.  And likewise if you want your mourning to be respected, respect others who don’t want / feel the need to mourn.


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2 hours ago, AshtonGreat said:

I don't think it's that. It's more symbolic really, as sport and football in particular is such a big deal. Someone earlier mentioned that it wasn't fair on 18 year olds flipping burgers. Well, chances are that if they were given time off, they wouldn't get paid

You mean like the 18 year olds flipping burgers at the football this weekend....?

3 hours ago, The Dolman Pragmatist said:

And don’t forget that, apparently, a full programme of football went ahead three days after George VI died, so this is not in keeping with precedent.

Yeah, but do you not remember the meltdown on Twitter when the games weren't postponed?  It was crazy.....!


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1 hour ago, Ghost Rider said:

You'll get to see your game of football, don't worry. But in the mean time, please let a lot of people who want to mourn, mourn with respect.


No one’s stopping you mate.  But why do you need an entire National programme of football to be put off so that you can ‘mourn with respect’ (which does beg the question whether it’s possible to mourn without respect)?

I believe the definition of ‘mourn’ is to feel sad.  Most people probably feel sad at the moment, but life goes on.  Cancelling football won’t help me to feel sad, it will probably just make me bored and irritable.  Can’t see that that will improve anyone else’s quality of mourning.

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On 08/09/2022 at 14:52, Bouncearoundtheground said:

I automatically assumed so but having looked it up the answer is nobody actually knows what the plans have in store in that regard. Football went ahead after King George died in 1952, and although sporting fixtures were cancelled after Princess Dianna’s death measures were subsequently found to be far too extreme. The answer though is probably yes. 

I hope not. The show must go on. 


Bizarrely City played Fulham on the Tuesday night two days after Diana's death but then the next weekend's fixtures were postponed.  Fulham were then of course owned by Al Fayed whose son Dodi was killed in the crash.  There was a minute's silence before the match but later in the week the Diana hysteria took over.

I can accept the postponement on the grounds that the Queen deserves the respect but I would still have gone to the Preston match had it gone ahead.

I cannot comprehend the logic for the Bears match moving to a day later.


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With the other sports moving after football to give the go ahead, it is fair to say I am sure the PL and EFL are slapping their heads right now

far far far from a royalist myself but I don’t need to bring that into this as it’s irrelevant until asked otherwise, I understand people fall between disgust ambivalence through to it being their whole personality.

but this is surely madness, people getting together paying respect and singing the anthem for the last time with its current suffix, I could think of no better way for respect to be paid and as stoically carry on as I understand her to have been, surely this would have been supported by the queen herself (if that matters)

I’ve had a shit year, following Bristol city and getting to go to the game means so much to me right now I am genuinely upset that it has been called off for such a nonsensical reason that is so old fashioned it’s practically sepia toned

This is without even bringing in the money aspect to so many individuals and companies during a cost of living crisis. Young kids can’t meet up with their teams this weekend, what the actual ****.

wrong wrong wrong decision. 

Takeaways are open, crazy golf is open, Tesco is open (albeit playing classical music - wtf?)

but football? No no, not the football.

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Here's my opinion for what it's worth. If 'they' want us to mourn then let's do it properly, out on the streets weeping and wailing like say North Korea would. But no we are not like that so acknowledge the Queen has died and we now have a King but other than that carry on as normal.

If sport has to be cancelled, then cancel all of it, no pick and choose rugby over football in our case. 

If you want to be sad (I personally don't, I've had enough experience of death in my life including losing a sister aged 23) then be sad in your own time and let those that want to carry on and live.

At work today we even had to turn the music off, a directive from Head Office. 

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13 minutes ago, Alex_BCFC said:

You either cancel all or nothing. For football to be on its own (pretty much) just show they have no clue what they are doing (bit like VAR). Just deaf and out of touch. 

Football had Sepp Blatter as head of the world game and the idiot lasted for 17 years- are we really surprised at poor governance, those who run it being out of touch etc. :laugh: Not ageist but appointing a 62 year old going into the 20th century isn't the best move...

Shaun Harvey was head of the Football League for several years...these people aren't brilliant or highly talented.

The FA have been or were of questionable effectiveness for a long time, irrespective of leader.

Edited by Mr Popodopolous
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20 minutes ago, Packman said:

It's not just about the game itself, it's about the effect it will have on people's livelihoods, mental well being etc. Surely you can see that.

To be honest, no, not really.

I’ve no strong feeling either way about the decision, although it hasn’t come as a great surprise. The possibility that there’d be a postponement was raised on here within minutes, literally, of the announcement of the Queen’s death. 

But it’s a postponed match. It happens. The weather, international call-ups, a pitch falling apart. Games get called off. When we were in the lower leagues it would happen several times a season!
What happened with football during covid was a real issue for peoples livelihoods and mental well being. But one game getting called off - that just feels like a bit of an over reaction, sorry. 

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I am going to the British Super bike event on Sunday, its not called off and here is their very sensible message, as you can see the guidance of the government was not "cancel all events" The FA are numb-ties, but I think most of us knew that already... even my sons football is off thanks to the FA's "advice".... a perfect way to make republicans of the next generation....

All of us at MotorSport Vision (MSV) were deeply saddened to learn that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passed away on Thursday.

Following the Cabinet Office guidance issued during the morning, events will take place as planned at MSV circuits this weekend (10/11 September). That includes the British GT Championship meeting at Brands Hatch and the Bennetts British Superbike Championship round at Snetterton.

As a mark of respect, and to recognise Queen Elizabeth's life and service, all race meetings at MSV circuits this weekend will pause for a two-minute silence.

The MSV Team

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So have I got this correct?

Football (including all grass roots and kids) and boxing are cancelled. Rugby, cricket and golf go ahead tomorrow. Horse racing resumes on Sunday and to cap it off the Bears are playing Bath at Ashton Gate early Saturday evening.

Currently there is no indication of when football will return.



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16 minutes ago, Nongazeuse said:

Bizarrely City played Fulham on the Tuesday night two days after Diana's death but then the next weekend's fixtures were postponed.  Fulham were then of course owned by Al Fayed whose son Dodi was killed in the crash.  There was a minute's silence before the match but later in the week the Diana hysteria took over.

I can accept the postponement on the grounds that the Queen deserves the respect but I would still have gone to the Preston match had it gone ahead.

I cannot comprehend the logic for the Bears match moving to a day later.


Do not bother introducing logic..........as there is no thought or reasoning in the behaviour of a cabal of stupid old men purporting to do the right thing....and failing?

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Just now, HappyClapper said:

So have I got this correct?

Football (including all grass roots and kids) and boxing are cancelled. Rugby, cricket and golf go ahead tomorrow. Horse racing resumes on Sunday and to cap it off the Bears are playing Bath at Ashton Gate early Saturday evening.

Currently there is no indication of when football will return.



Potentially next weekend off and then into an international break I believe.  

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I may be mistaken but the proclamation "the King/Queen is dead, long live the King/Queen" is partly about accepting, moving on and getting on with everyday life, albeit under a new Monarch.

When ordinary citizens (those awful "common people") are bereaved, the world does not stop or change to accommodate their loss of a loved one.

Grief is a very personal experience. Each person reacts and copes as best they can, in different ways to the loss of a loved-one. Usually supported and assisted by those closest to them as well as certain bereavement support agencies/charities. There is no right or wrong way.

During these times of personal bereavement, the local community, wider society and the world beyond, however, function and continue as normal, oblivious and unaffected by the loss that is so devasting, painful and all-consuming to a particular bereaved person or family. This can be confusing and hurtful to the bereaved person/family, but it can also, often times, be a relief to them as well as being healing and therapeutic.

In my opinion, the death of any Royal person, President, Prime Minister, dignitary or celebrity should be no different.

Life, work, pleasure and all other everyday activities should continue as normal.

Those that wish/need to grieve, pay their respects and contemplate can do so.

Those that don't, can just get on with living their lives and do/enjoy whatever they want.

Mourning is not mandatory . . . yet. We still, thankfully, have (limited) free will and choice.


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Update on Football Fixtures
Her Majesty the Queen was a long-standing Patron of The Football Association and has left a lasting and indelible legacy on our national game.

As a mark of respect, following the passing of Her Majesty the Queen, English football has united to postpone all football fixtures between 9-11 September.

The FA can confirm that all football fixtures across the Barclays Women’s Super League, Barclays Women’s Championship, the Vitality Women’s FA Cup, and the Isuzu FA Trophy, will be postponed this weekend. We can also confirm that all football fixtures across the National League System [NLS], Steps 1-6, including the Vanarama National Leagues, the Women’s Football Pyramid [WFP], Tiers 3-7, and matches across grassroots football in England will be postponed.

The Premier League and the EFL have all confirmed that their fixtures this weekend will be rescheduled for a later date.

All flags at Wembley Stadium and St. George’s Park will continue to fly at half-mast over the weekend.

Our thoughts remain with our president, HRH The Duke of Cambridge, and the whole of the Royal Family during this time.


Does this include any other football activities, such as training or courses, such as coaching?
No, this applies only to fixtures, not all football activities. “Fixtures” refers to both competitive and friendly matches.

What happens to all other football activities?
Participation in other planned activities is down to the discretion of the organiser and / or the individual.
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1 hour ago, OneTeamInBristol said:

In your opinion.

Millions will feel that the football authorities have done the correct thing.

These are people who don't like football and moan that footballers are overpaid at every opportunity, saying we should pay nurses £300,000 a week instead. The people who have no common sense and just think things are really that simple as if we're going to all fill out a stadium to watch a surgeon operate on a kidney.

These same people saying it's the right decision will likely also say **** all about rugby continuing. They just have a pick and choose mentality because "footballers are overpaid and dive like ballerinas". They're knobs.

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