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Ticket Prices


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Anyone see the report in The Sun, regarding season ticket and matchday prices??

Cheapest season tickets at Arsenal and Chelsea are £800 and £520 respectivley (works out at £42 and £27 a game,respectivley)!!

You can get a season ticket at Euro Champs, Porto for £67 (£4 a match), AC Milan for £103 (£6 a match), Roma for £158!!!

Valencia only charge £175 for a season ticket and Barcelona £182!!

And they're trying to say they're pricing the average fan out of football!!

Cheapest Adult season ticket for City is advertised at £285 :grr:

It cost's more to buy a bottle of water and a pie at City than what it does to go and watch a game at Porto, someones taking the urine I think :D

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

AND they pay the same sort of wages that English clubs do, and I expect don't have the hight TV deals the premiership clubs get!

People will pay these prices though, because it;s too late to reverse the trend.

Only a reccesion can save football from middle class obscurity now, but that's a price that isn#t worth saving.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Yeah, great response potbelly - So pointless you had to respond.

I think there's a very good message to be taken from the ticket prices of other teams, but maybe your head's too far up your own bum to see it?

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but i don`t want to watch Porto, Valencia, etc. So it is really a meaningless article and a meaningless post.

So your happy to go along with paying up to 3 or 4 times more to watch League 1 football are you, while others are able to watch world class players a relative peanuts??

I'm not in a position where I can afford £20plus to go and watch league 1 football, or any football for that matter at that price.

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Yeah but they are misleading figures - wages are lower in Spain/Portugal/Italy, and most things are cheaper - so the real cost of a season ticket can't be gauged just from the price.

As for Chlesea/Arsenal I think you'll find that season tickets are difficult to get hold of, certainly for a decent seat you basically have to wait until someone dies. The Prem get most of their income from sponsorship and TV so they don't need to charge as much on the turnstiles

Ticket Price at the Gate is £17 for the Atyeo, I dont think thats too bad for an hour and a halfs' entertainment, its about what you'd spend in a pub in that time ? And if you get a seson ticket the price drops to about £12 a game. I think we are relatively expensive for a League 1 side but the more the club charges the more they can spend ?

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I think gate sizes might have something to do with it????

Lets look at the facts!!!

1) Champions League football worth millions

2) 40,000 plus crowds

3) Most of the mentioned clubs are on the stock exchange

4) TV Money

5) Bigger sponsorship

i wonder why we have to charge more thansome of these????

Don't like it support them, our season tickets keep city alive

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I think gate sizes might have something to do with it????

Lets look at the facts!!!

1) Champions League football worth millions

2) 40,000 plus crowds

3) Most of the mentioned clubs are on the stock exchange

4) TV Money

5) Bigger sponsorship

i wonder why we have to charge more thansome of these????

Don't like it support them, our season tickets keep city alive

Thanks for the advice Rob, as already mentioned, I can't get a season ticket so may be me and every other fan that can't afford a season ticket should just stop supporting City, seeing as it's only "You season ticket holders" that are keeping the club alive!!

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Ticket Price at the Gate is £17 for the Atyeo, I dont think thats too bad for an hour and a halfs' entertainment, its about what you'd spend in a pub in that time ? 

Do you really drink eight pints in an hour and a half? Remind me not to pick a fight with you after a night out :grr:

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Thanks for the advice Rob, as already mentioned, I can't get a season ticket so may be me and every other fan that can't afford a season ticket should just stop supporting City, seeing as it's only "You season ticket holders" that are keeping the club alive!!

missed the point, I didn't say only the season ticket holders keep the club alive. Of course pay as you go fans help keep the club alive. There are many fans out there who can't buy season tickets but by reducing the cost it will cripple the club. We need revenue and this is the best way. We all have things we would like but sometimes you just can't have them. These are the prices, the clubs you mentioned are not Bristol City and are not in our situation. Beer in prague is 4p but i don't expect it to be in my local

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Guest LeicesterRed
This was discussed on Radio 5 Live and basically all entertainment is more expensive in Britain (because we are a richer country).  One caller said he spends about £50 a night to watch the ballet/theatre, yet abroad it was less than half the price.

I don`t know as we are a richer country. Sure, on the face of it we are, but look at the state of the Health service,and Education. If we are a rich country pity some of the working class aren`t seeing the dosh and fruits of our wonderful economy.

I basically think that players wages have brought the game to this stage.

We are penalised in this country with not only football prices, but cars, CD`s, booze, you name it.we must be the most heavily taxed nation in Europe.


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As per a previous post, work out how much you have spent supporting City over the last season. Take into consideration the following:

Ticket costs (whether season ticket or not, and the prices you pay to watch non-league events, Carling, play offs, away games)

Travel costs to City and away games if you go.

Club stuff - shirts, car stickers, the books/videos, scarfs etc.,

Programmes - both away and home and special editions

Refreshments - A group of four don't get much change out of £20 at City, unless you pop to Sainsburys and bring your own or cook your own!

Half time draw - £1 ticket per game you go to if you wish to have a flutter.

All I can say as the Mastercard advert says, "Timeless", perhaps misquoted but if you want to support, you have to pay the money! PS Don't let the other halves know how much you spend!!


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Gerru Gows tash - regarding your post, to enter the pub you would e expected to pay for a drink. In choice on a night out you would probably have 4 pints at max in 1 hour and a half.

Food and fags are extra options, just like eating food at city is. So I don't think these are very similar do you?

You could link it to the theatre, dance, Royle Ballet. But do we get posh seats? Non-wooden seated backs? nope.

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We're paying too much at the moment for the standard of football we watch and I won't continue to pay these players out of my pocket for ever, I like many more have a cut off point where I won't pay above a certain price for my football, when this comes I will watch my local non league team.

It's time all the clubs stood together and refuse to pay them the extortionate wages, wage capping is the answer but for some reason this option is being ignored by the leagues. A top premiership player will earn more money in his lifetime than he, his kids and possibly their kids kids will ever need to spend. The lower league players will need to spend their huge amounts of free time re-training for when they can no longer play professionally, it is a short career at the bottom but we are now faced with a player like Rooney at the top who could in all possibilty retire a multi-millionaire at the end of his first 5 year contract at the age of 22.

For the club to keep me going to the gate for the next 10 years they will need to start reducing prices soon, I won't pay more than I can afford like so many others, the club will be the long term loser.

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Guest StevieT

As prices go in the UK, the £17 I spent for the Atyeo stand seemed like good value for me (much better than the £22 I need to spend to watch a game up here (Edinburgh)). Mind you I think I should have got a discount because of those bloody trumpets :@

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