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Another Severnside Question


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i dobt it but hopefully the board will come to there senses and not build it

just simple to many fans will be lost for it to be a good investment

i think the are really considering it but lets hope they change there minds

I fear they may go ahead despite the obvious weight of opinion against it.

I think SteveL said the fans would be canvassed before a final decision is ever made.

I wonder what percentage of fans would need to be against it to change the Board's minds if they've already decided it is 'the best way forward'.

Because i reckon at least 75% are against.

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I think you'll find that if the financial reasons show up on the plus side it won't matter how many fans object.

I don't think they will be listened to.

Mr. L is a shrewd business man, and will always be on the look out for options that will benefit BCFC financially.

Whether you agree with that is another thing, but I feel sure he will weigh up all options first including moving if needs be.

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If it's the only viable site, then the club should definitely go ahead with it despite the small number in opposition. Be worth it in the long run.

I haven't spoken to ANY Bristol City fans residing in Bristol who are in favour of this move.

Most of the tiny proportion of fans in favour, maybe 25%, but i think even that is probably at least doubling their number, do not seem to live in Bristol.

Perhaps travelling to Severnside on their occasional trip back might be easier or perhaps absence hasn't made the heart grow fonder as far as Ashton Gate is concerned.

Whatever the reason and however small the number, those exiles that register their approval for such a move have obviously been hardened beyond reason by their existence in some of Britain's less fair Cities.

Bristol City F.C. is South Bristol, full stop. And if you've forgotten that then you've been away too long, and your heart lies elsewhere.

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and if the club were to go to consultation I would fully expect at least 80% of the Bristol public to be in favour

Well mate, 80% in favour seems a bit hopeful (from your argument wise). In fact I wouldn't hold my breath on that score if I was you. You might be in for a surprise.

As an indicator of feeling from Bristolians on the subject take a look at Madgers thread here. Of course residents of Easter Compton and surrounding area would have a different agenda for opposing the new stadium (and good luck to their fight) but a yardstick nonetheless.

I am also YET to meet a supporter who is in favour of this proposal, and I have asked dozens.

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I would fully expect at least 80% of the Bristol public to be in favour - and that is what matters.  It is a stadium for Bristol which City can benefit from - get it ?

Ho ho ho.

Very good, sadly I predict you are very wrong.

99% of the people living in the area don't want it (inc me), and will tell Steve Webb so.

And incase you hadn't visited the Severnside forum lately...

Have you looked at the health risks of moving to severnside by the way?

And I ain't talking about the diseased ridden Sagheads.

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it's a sad fact of life that those with negative things to say actually shout the loudest. There is such a thing as the silent majority, and if the club were to go to consultation I would fully expect at least 80% of the Bristol public to be in favour - and that is what matters.  It is a stadium for Bristol which City can benefit from - get it ?

The silent majority who are AGAINST this project have been fairly quiet so far. This will change markedly if the board appear to be pushing this through against the fans wishes.

You, cynic, are the one making alot of noise but you can't fail to have noticed you have almost no support.

If you lived in Bristol, and mixed with Bristol City fans daily, you wouldn't need this pointing out.

To say that 80% are in favour is completely ridiculous and takes all credibility away from your argument. Where's the evidence to back-up to this nonsense?

Oh, and to use the phrase "get it?" as though you are in some way superior and putting up with someone who can't seem to understand the obvious is patronizing and annoying. Surely you can do better than that?

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Guest Harry May

Let us have an established Division 1 team , before we think about moving grounds. I would hate for us to be in the same situation as Darlington.

Caldicot Red.

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Let us have an established Division 1 team , before we think about moving grounds. I would hate for us to be in the same situation as Darlington.

Caldicot Red.

We can't take our own fat barsteward on loan can we?

I am one of those for whom moving to Severnside would benefit my travelling to see City a lot easier, however, I am staunchly against the move.

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