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My Team Ratings....................


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Phillips 5

He was shocking was the worst game that i have seen him play he made won good save but that was it his kicking was terrible and his communication was abbismal.

Smith 6

I thought smith looked preety solid at the back did do a few wayword passes which went to swindon players but his defending was decent.Also i was very pleased how he tryed winding up the players when we went 2-1 down he seems very commited to this club already.

coles 7

Well coles looked a class act today as usual he looked strong and won alot in the air but he still needs to improve because parkin looked a pace quicker than him today.

Hill 5

Hill was very sloppy gave the ball away far to many times and made so many mistakes at set pieces that henderson was his man and he scored both goals,His marking was terrible.

woodman 6

He played Ok but a average performance really his control was good and his passin to the front man was good but when he did get time on the ball all he done was lump it.

roberts 6

He was out of the game in the first half he just stayed on that right wing and done nuffin but in the second half he ran at players and caues trouble but come the end he just took it to far he did have a god shot which the keeper put out for a corner.

orr 4

He was terrible he never done anything right all game he gave the ball away all game, he was just terrible

doherty 5

Played poor compared to his usual standerd spread the ball well in the second half and did get some tackles in and his goal was a tap inn but took it well.

Tinman 6

It was just another average performance by the player boss he passed the ball well and he put a shot just wide from about 20 yards in the 1st half But was preety quite otherwise.

miller 8

He done everything he could do he won everything in the air he was skillful on the floor and he did do some good passes through to lita and supporting midfielders was very unlucky not to score in the second half but he has to start next week.I also think he should play every game if he plays like that.

Lita 6

He must have the worst 1st touch i ever seen,He ran riot in the 1st half but in the 2nd half he just went quite never really had any chances though.


Murray 5

He ran at players but always took it to far but he did look dangerous.

gillespe 6

looked strong and positive but wasted a opportunity at the end but he had a very short time to impress but did look lively out of postion.

bell 6

Looked dangerous from set pieces did bell he also got forward alot and when he is fit he should be able to make that left back spot his own.

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Mine would be:

Phillips 4

Easily 3 if not for a couple of saves.

Smith 7

Along with Doherty, thought he was the only one up for it. Just feel we have a great capture here.

Coles 5

Just doesn't seem the same as last season. I feel when he is back with Butler he'll be a lot happier.

Hill 4

Not so much his fault, just feel he needs to be played at the left side of a back 3 in a 3-5-2 formation. Can't see him fitting in anywhere else.

Woodman 3

I'm sorry. They way he is playing is as an overlapping left back who is getting crosses in the box, he can't do this. With this style, i'd rather see Tinman playing left back.

Roberts 5

Not there today but still feel has the potential. Everytime he has the ball i scream at him to beat his man because HE CAN but he doesn't.

Orr 5

He is an athlete. He gets a foot in and works hard. He WILL come good.

Doherty 7

He didn't play his best ut as ever he battled, worked hard and played like the onfield skipper.

Tinman 5

As much as i love the bloke, i really believe now is the time to watch the match from the sidelines, pick a team and tactics and stick with it.

Miller 7

My man of the match. However, as well as he did winnnig flick ons, working hard and holding up the ball, i still didn't think he looked a goal scoring threat.

Lita 7

Didn't think his touch was that bad. He looked dangerous and got his chances on target. Bright season ahead.

Murray :grr: He seems to be getting unpredictable and inconsistent.

Gillepie 7 --> In the short time he was on, i felt he played with pride and wanted to get a result. Always work hard and needs a proper run out upfront.

Bell 6 --> Looking forward to him getting back fully fit. He IS the replacement for woodman surely. Free kicks and corners delivery 100% better then woordmans too.

The only thing i hope for now is for a team and set of tactics to be chosen and kept to. My ideal team to be played AND kept for the next four or 5 games would be







If things aren't going right we have the players to change it around but we need people playing in postitions where they know their jobs and have time to get used to it.

Rant over. (After probably the longest post i've ever done!)

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Ha ha. I was waiting for you to finish before I added a comment.

Thing is we need to stick to a formation soon, we are changing things about a lot already and I dont think it inspires a rock solid confidence.

We actually played 4-4-2 today, and yet after many calls to it be changed to 4-4-2 there are and will probably be calls for it to be changed to 3-5-2 or 5-3-2 again.

I'm in favour of the 3-5-2 idea, but obviously the fans will have to be patient in whatever formation is played becuase it wont necessarilly (sic probs) click from the start.

I dont want to pick on players in particular, criticisms of Woodman and Orr are harsh, Bradley still worked his socks off, and I think Craig just needs a little more confidence and some backing from us.

Just my 10p predictable post on the forum....

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Guest LeicesterRed

I agree with TomBCFC`s assessment. I would add however that Swindon are one of the dirtiest teams i have seen.

Lita was well marked out of the game today. More annoying for me was the total waste of free kicks and stupid mistakes. we should have wupped STFC today. We were absolutely dire.Wait `til we play a good team, and may the Lord help us when we do, cos on this form we`re diving headfirst into Div 2.

One positive from today, it didn`t rain.

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Phillips - 4 - Worst game I have seen him play. Took no responsibility for crosses.

Smith - 6 - Looks a good player but was affected by the general sloppiness of everybody around him with some of his passing.

Hill - 2 - Total waste of space.

Coles - 2 - Poser who thinks he is a little bit better than he actually is. Premiership? Do me a favour.

Woodman - 4 - Struggling badly.

Orr - 4 - Awful distribution and didn't tackle anthing.

Doherty - 6 - One of the best of a bad bunch.

Tinnion - 2 - Sorry, the guy is starting to embarrass himself. Sub appearances only from now on please.

Roberts - 6 - Worked hard and gets a 6 because it is not his fault he was played out of position.

Miller - 6 - No service whatsoever - won what scraps he could - genuinely felt sorry for the guy.

Lita - 6 - Similar to Miller above although I do agree he needs to work on first touch.

Murray - 4 - put his kit on - did ##### all else although hasn't had an easy week in fairness.

Gillespie - 5 - See Lita/Miller comments

Bell 6 - Will play from the start next week if Tinnion has any sense.

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