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Something Light Hearted


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Despite losing today, me and my mates had a bit of a laugh, for a number of reasons.

Firstly before the match when the players were kicking off, i was shouting over to bradley orr and asking what some newcastle players were like, he gave the thumbs down to titus bramble, the nod to alan shearer and when i asked him about andy o'brien he said he had a big nose, quite a few people saw this, did anyone here see it? It was quite funny :grr::)

Secondly, i would like to apologise to anyone who was sat in dolman block f, that heard 'Robbo for wales' 'Tommy for ireland' anyother type of robbo chants and at the end in a bit of anger 'Bring back Danny!', I realised a lot of people turned around, and i also got a few dirty looks for my chant at the end.

So as you can see i had a good time (kind of) :grr:

If you are bored by what you have just read, tough #### it was your choice to read it :P

Later my fellow ###### off city fans


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Guest MaloneFM

Are you on some kind of medication?

This was an average City performance at best. Roberts STANK to high heaven and should have never even left home this morning let alone put on a shirt.

And you say you enjoyed it?

And I have just been to the 'Robbo related fun' website.

Jesus christ!


I was specifically impressed by the number of dead heads holding the Roberts tee shirt who you claim are fans of his.

You HAVE to be some kind of relation.

Just get away from me you mentalist....

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Guest taipan

Funny business was the guy just behind me with his fascinating insights into the game.

"He's done that twice now!" (Enraged voice)

Two seconds later, when it's all gone quiet

"That's twice he's done that now!" (Same voice)


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