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Player Power


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If, as BT says, there are players who don't want to play for him, then we should back him in weeding them out.

No player, or players, are bigger than the club, we all want the same thing don't we, players who love playing for this club. Players cannot not live on reputations alone, they have to put in the effort on the pitch. BT has taken a very brave step in his press conference today, all credit to the man.

Many have guessed there was a problem in the dressing room, it was confirmed today, there should be no hiding place for these players, they are letting themselves down, but more importantly, they are letting us down, we deserve more respect, and so does BT, than they are are giving.

Get behind BT on Monday, regardless of the result, at least you will know, the 11 players who take the field on Monday, are 11 players who wear the shirt with pride.

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Kick them out of the club and ruin their careers in the process. Let every single contact you have in the game know that they are bad apples. I'm personally looking forward to the team selection on Monday, just so I, as a supporter, can see who the rotten apples are.

That is all supposing Tins was telling the truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God?????? :laugh: ...............

He COULD be lying to save his skin, to deflect attention from his poor start, knowing the fans would beleive him..........

Just a thought ladies and gentlemen :rolleyes: .............its what I thought first off, but are we right assuming Tins is. :) is.................hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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Bucksred, any chance you could make your replies a little more spaced out.

my kids go to the same schools as BT's and so, have met him several times on the play ground, so to speak, and comes across as a really genuine guy, dedicated to his profession, and to the club.

I have no doubt in my mind that he is telling the truth, can you honestly say the team looks united on the pitch? I don't think so, the triers obviously know who the non triers are out there, and it's showing.

I'd rather have the 11 out there who want to do it, than 7 or 8 who do, with the others just going through the motions, no matter how big and indispensible they think they are.

I am really looking forward to see who plays on Monday, the should get 100% backing from all supporters, they are the ones who will see us through.

Keep the faith.

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Bucksred, any chance you could make your replies a little more spaced out.

my kids go to the same schools as BT's and so, have met him several times on the play ground, so to speak, and comes across as a really genuine guy, dedicated to his profession, and to the club.

I have no doubt in my mind that he is telling the truth, can you honestly say the team looks united on the pitch? I don't think so, the triers obviously know who the non triers are out there, and it's showing.

I'd rather have the 11 out there who want to do it, than 7 or 8 who do, with the others just going through the motions, no matter how big and indispensible they think they are.

I am really looking forward to see who plays on Monday, the should get 100% backing from all supporters, they are the ones who will see us through.

Keep the faith.

I was playing devils advocate here.........never rule anything out, till y'all have the evidence. I do belive there are players who dont want Tins in charge, but, due to certain individuals positions, it will be others who get dropped, and will get the slagging, under the assumption they are the real villains. I also think Tins tactical naivety will be, in the end too costly for us to afford. Right now the football is worse than under Wonder-son, and as such, cant see where our first win is gona come from, cos we even struggled to beat, what Wycombe fans I work with, say was a bloody awful display from them.........that will not endear Tins to his squad either, or the players playing out of position........that reeks of thw Wonder-son Blunderland, and we know where that got us!!

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Kick them out of the club and ruin their careers in the process. Let every single contact you have in the game know that they are bad apples. I'm personally looking forward to the team selection on Monday, just so I, as a supporter, can see who the rotten apples are.

This reeks to me of one of these OTT posts Taz told me about in an earlier reply, or maybe it just reeks!!!!

I feel like getting out my knitting ready to sit beside the Gallows which no doubt will be set out for Monday :rolleyes:

From the other posts in this topic it would seem that any of the squad not in the, "Monday 11 golden gang", will then be regarded as, "Rotten Apples" :) and no longer allowed to continue their careers.

Oh please grow up.

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From the other posts in this topic it would seem that any of the squad not in the, "Monday 11 golden gang", will then be regarded as, "Rotten Apples"  :) and no longer allowed to continue their careers.

To be fair Tinman has made his bed tonight and come monday him and the players not playing will have to lie in it!!! :rolleyes:

No one but tins can be blamed for the back lash, ESPICALLY after his comments tonight.. :@

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Exactally Wilski, Tins has made his bed and will have to lie in it (of course not literally!)

Choosing to say those words about players not putting in 100 percent was his decision. He obviously knows a lot more than we do as he is training with them for a lot of time. However, everyone does have their off days and some of the players he has in his mind as not putting in enough could of put in all they had and might well be angry at this moment in time. Everyone sees a game of football differently if ya know what I mean so what Tins might see as a failure in his mind might be a good performance in somebody elses.

It was a big step to go public with this and I feel in my own opinion that it's very risky. Players are probably going to get more agitated due to this which isn't going to make our situation any better.

Theses so called problems need to be sorted out. No matter what they are. It's unprofessional and uneccesary. It seems to me everyone's looking for someone to blame. But that's just my interpretation.

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Exactally Wilski, Tins has made his bed and will have to lie in it (of course not literally!)

Choosing to say those words about players not putting in 100 percent was his decision. He obviously knows a lot more than we do as he is training with them for a lot of time. However, everyone does have their off days and some of the players he has in his mind as not putting in enough could of put in all they had and might well be angry at this moment in time. Everyone sees a game of football differently if ya know what I mean so what Tins might see as a failure in his mind might be a good performance in somebody elses.

It was a big step to go public with this and I feel in my own opinion that it's very risky. Players are probably going to get more agitated due to this which isn't going to make our situation any better.

Theses so called problems need to be sorted out. No matter what they are. It's unprofessional and uneccesary. It seems to me everyone's looking for someone to blame. But that's just my interpretation.

"players are going to get more agitated"tough let them :D this is not about prima donna players "kick them out" this is about B.C.F.C;


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Exactally Wilski, Tins has made his bed and will have to lie in it (of course not literally!)

Choosing to say those words about players not putting in 100 percent was his decision. He obviously knows a lot more than we do as he is training with them for a lot of time. However, everyone does have their off days and some of the players he has in his mind as not putting in enough could of put in all they had and might well be angry at this moment in time. Everyone sees a game of football differently if ya know what I mean so what Tins might see as a failure in his mind might be a good performance in somebody elses.

It was a big step to go public with this and I feel in my own opinion that it's very risky. Players are probably going to get more agitated due to this which isn't going to make our situation any better.

Theses so called problems need to be sorted out. No matter what they are. It's unprofessional and uneccesary. It seems to me everyone's looking for someone to blame. But that's just my interpretation.

:laugh: i think out of all the posts these have been the most accurate..it was risky pointing the finger at the players..because now everyone will know theres unrest in the camp...which can now develop into further confrontations....well you know what i mean...this is not going to go away either...you just need the bloody ball to go in the net more times than your opponents...like i said the above and previous posts have been the most accurate in my view.. :)

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simple, if we have a team that don't want to play for

tinnion then he should drop the lot of them to the reserves

and play them kids who beat the gas first teamers 5-2 in

the glous cup. the players should stop being so petty and get

on a do what they are paid to do (with money from us the fans)

and play football..

steve lansdown, bang their heads together the lot of them

and give them all a reminder who pays for their house, cars

and fancy hair doo's....

oh and money to go down town on the P'EE with :rolleyes:

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I feel like getting out my knitting ready to sit beside the Gallows which no doubt will be set out for Monday :rolleyes:

Oh please grow up.

Do you wear a red cap and smoke a pipe & speak French?

You've got to take the rough with the smooth?

You have a vested interest Granny..... and that may stay or go with time.

But many of the disheartened will still be following this club long time after some players become distant memories.

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Guest Lockerman

Player power has been a big part of BCFC for a number of years, it is nothing new, far better managers than BT have lost their jobs at Ashton Gate because the players didn't like or want to play for the manager, you say kick it out, but I think that it has turned full circle and bitten BT on the bum, there must have been a little nest feathering going on prior to the play off final, for the club to sack Danny Wilson then employ BT a couple of hours later.

Lets face it BT has not managed at all before let alone at the highest level, Keith Millen wasn't doing much with the under 19s so how on earth can you expect him to come in as an assistant manager and take over the first team.

Ask Joe Jordan, Benny Lennartson, Tony Pulis and even Danny Wilson in the beginning did plyer power exists.

Newcastle United are at present going through the same scenario, Alan Shearer versus Bobby Robson and of course a number of other players within the team, Southampton players getting rid of Sturrock, BCFC are not alone in this situation, and frankly if the players don't want to give 100% to the manager they won't are you then going to sack them all, whoops looks like we are getting back to the pre Danny Wilson era, and the club is getting in to a painful shambles, ask yourselves would Louis Carey and Aarron Brown have signed for the city if Danny had still been there.??????????????? I personally think they would have.

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This reeks to me of one of these OTT posts Taz told me about in an earlier reply, or maybe it just reeks!!!!

I feel like getting out my knitting ready to sit beside the Gallows which no doubt will be set out for Monday :rolleyes:

From the other posts in this topic it would seem that any of the squad not in the, "Monday 11 golden gang", will then be regarded as, "Rotten Apples"  :) and no longer allowed to continue their careers.

Oh please grow up.

You have supported the club for approximately 5 minutes because your son plays for us. That does not give you special rights or count as particularly impressive. The rest of us long serving/suffering supporters switch on our radio's and hear Tinnion talking about dressing room unrest and that only players committed to the club are playing on Monday. Players who spread unrest throughout the club are rotten to the core, I dont care who they are, or who is representing them on this forum (please dont take this as an accusation against your son by the way).

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You have supported the club for approximately 5 minutes because your son plays for us. That does not give you special rights or count as particularly impressive. The rest of us long serving/suffering supporters switch on our radio's and hear Tinnion talking about dressing room unrest and that only players committed to the club are playing on Monday. Players who spread unrest throughout the club are rotten to the core, I dont care who they are, or who is representing them on this forum (please dont take this as an accusation against your son by the way).

Have I asked for any special rights? and I certainly don't feel the need to impress anyone. :rolleyes:

I come on this Forum as Me - Joy Miller - representing only myself - who was into football long before I was a MOTHER.

I also formed my opinions of right and wrong a long time ago, and I am uncomfortable with the idea that some feel they have the right to suggest banishment of players without proof. I don't take this as an attack on my son, but as a slight on every player, who I'm sure has worked hard to get to where they are now, and is still learning their craft.

As for the length of time you have been following the team - should the present team be held reponsible for failures in the past, before they even joined the club? Lets be sensible.

No matter how important some may think they are, we do not make the decisions in the club. (Thank Goodness)

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Well if I was a player who turned out in a game, was played out of position, in a formation that hadn't been fully explained, alongside players I hadn't really played alongside(who were also in the same boat)and then I was discarded for the next game for "not putting in the effort" I might feel a tad miffed myself.

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Player power has been a big part of BCFC for a number of years, it is nothing new, far better managers than BT have lost their jobs at Ashton Gate because the players didn't like or want to play for the manager, you say kick it out, but I think that it has turned full circle and bitten BT on the bum, there must have been a little nest feathering going on prior to the play off final, for the club to sack Danny Wilson then employ BT a couple of hours later.

Lets face it BT has not managed at all before let alone at the highest level, Keith Millen wasn't doing much with the under 19s so how on earth can you expect him to come in as an assistant manager and take over the first team.

Ask Joe Jordan, Benny Lennartson, Tony Pulis and even Danny Wilson in the beginning did plyer power exists.

Newcastle United are at present going through the same scenario, Alan Shearer versus Bobby Robson and of course a number of other players within the team, Southampton players getting rid of Sturrock, BCFC are not alone in this situation, and frankly if the players don't want to give 100% to the manager they won't are you then going to sack them all, whoops looks like we are getting back to the pre Danny Wilson era, and the club is getting in to a painful shambles, ask yourselves would Louis Carey and Aarron Brown have signed for the city if Danny had still been there.??????????????? I personally think they would have.

Agree with most of your post. Not sure I'd still want Aaron Brown around though ..... and neither does anyone else by the seem of it.

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Have I asked for any special rights? and I certainly don't feel the need to impress anyone. :rolleyes:

I come on this Forum as Me - Joy Miller - representing only myself - who was into football long before I was a MOTHER.

I also formed my opinions of right and wrong a long time ago, and I am uncomfortable with the idea that some feel they have the right to suggest banishment of players without proof. I don't take this as an attack on my son, but as a slight on every player, who I'm sure has worked hard to get to where they are now, and is still learning their craft.

As for the length of time you have been following the team - should the present team be held reponsible for failures in the past, before they even joined the club?  Lets be sensible.

No matter how important some may think they are, we do not make the decisions in the club. (Thank Goodness)

Most of your points I can agree with. HOWEVER Tinnion has made it very clear in a radio interview that there are players who are not pulling their weight and do not want to play for him. If he is lying then it is a pretty poor attempt to win over the fans and he will be sacked. If he is correct, then I'm sorry, those players who have previously worked hard to get to where they are now have suddenly turned into overpaid prima donnas who think they have the right to decide when they perform and who they perform for. This is, I would suggest, slightly insulting to the 10-13,000 people who spend their hard earned every other week and the 1,000 or so who regularly go away all over the country. These players must be booted out of the club. That is my opinion and I'm sure I'm not in a minority of one on this issue.

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This 'waiting to see who will be picked tomorrow' is all very well if it is as black and white as that. In reality the manager can only pick 11 starters and 5 subs. Does it therefore mean that if a player is not named in the squad he is a definate troublemaker?

There is lots of talk on here about whether Coles, Doc and Bell are injured or dropped. Doc and Bell have been struggling with injuries for ages now and Coles was definately hurt against Swindon and spent much of the last few mins hobbling badly. I said at the time that he will be doubtful for Port Vale as the foul, which happened just infront of me,looked bad.

Unless Tinnion comes out and gives us a list of who is in/out and genuine reasons why (which we all know cannot happen if players are being dropped because of personality clashes), then players who don't feature in the squad will have fingers pointed at them, and in some cases will be hounded out unfairly.

I think that the players should be honoured to play for our club and have respect for themselves as professionals. For every player that succeeds there must be 100's who don't, maybe Tins should take them to see how some people live. Maybe they have too much time as well as money on their hands and it's all getting a bit 'clicky', and they are stirring eachother up. And I thought it was meant to be girls who were bitchy ( can I put that? :) ).

Tinnion seems a strong, fair but tough person. He will have to be, as it might be a battle of wills that takes control. Good luck to him.


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"In reality the manager can only pick 11 starters and 5 subs. Does it therefore mean that if a player is not named in the squad he is a definate troublemaker?"

This is the point I was trying to make. ( Thanks Red M)

You dangerously misunderstood my meaning if you think I meant the Manager was lying. I think I stated in my post I was glad it was the Manager who picked the team, because he should know his players best, both what they are capable of and their attitudes.

There were many games last season where I was amazed at what seemed like a lack of fight from some of the players, only to be proved wrong in the next, therefore to judge on yesterdays non-performance alone may be wrong.

"I think that the players should be honoured to play for our club and have respect for themselves as professionals."

I couldnt agree more, and like most of you I know in my own mind who these players are.

Due to the fact that Bristol City Football Club is a BIG Club, they have Big personalities, its the fans who made them that way. I do understand therefore your anger when the Big personalities do not live up to your expectations.

Maybe one way to bring some back down to earth, and to fill their spare time, would be to get them coaching some of the young teams in the area, who lets face it,help pay their wages by nagging parents to buy BCFC kit's. :rolleyes:

Just a thought.

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