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Paul Sturrock? Are You Mad!

Guest theghostofbrianmitchell

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Guest theghostofbrianmitchell

if tinman was forced out by the sick fans then paul sturrock would be a disaster appointment because he believes in defensive negative football, he likes to play 5 4 1 or 4 5 1 and rely on work rate, size, experience, strength and set pieces and all that BUT WE DONT HAVE THE PLAYERS TO PLAY LIKE THIS! he hasnt got a clue about us or our players and he'd do so much worse than tinman that it could end up quite serious before he leaves us in a mess with no second thought

patience patience patience please, accept tinman and get behind him

we were 23rd in october in danny wilsons first season in charge

our luck will change sooner or later

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Guest theghostofbrianmitchell

tinman seems to be doing a good job and has settled in nicely but its the players lack of desire that is the main concern, they have under performed and been lacklustre, heads dropping and no enthusiasm and all that, the players need to wake up abit and show some ###### desire!

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Guest mereyman1

what would you rather have boaring football and be top or no football no clue diff team every game and swap places with the rovers think on

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The attraction of Sturrock is his record with Plymouth. Lets be honest he transformed a side going nowhere in The Gas League to a side promoted as Champions in the old Divison 2. Not doing badly this season in the Championship League either!

At least Sturrock will weed out the bad (as he did at Plymouth), and get this team moving forward again. The other point in his favour is that I can't think of a better out of work manager at the moment, and as Lansdown failed to bang on Torquay's door and enquire about Leroy, I hardly think he'll do it now.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

The question is, do the players have the respect for Tinns not to resist sweeping changes. I think not.

We need a man who doesn't know any of the playing staff and wield an axe, cutting the head of the smoking drinking monkeys that dont want to give %110.

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if tinman was forced out by the sick fans then paul sturrock would be a disaster appointment because he believes in defensive negative football, he likes to play 5 4 1 or 4 5 1 and rely on work rate, size, experience, strength and set pieces and all that BUT WE DONT HAVE THE PLAYERS TO PLAY LIKE THIS! he hasnt got a clue about us or our players and he'd do so much worse than tinman that it could end up quite serious before he leaves us in a mess with no second thought

patience patience patience please, accept tinman and get behind him

we were 23rd in october in danny wilsons first season in charge

our luck will change sooner or later

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The attraction of Sturrock is his record with Plymouth. Lets be honest he transformed a side going nowhere in The Gas League to a side promoted as Champions in the old Divison 2. Not doing badly this season in the Championship League either!

At least Sturrock will weed out the bad (as he did at Plymouth), and get this team moving forward again. The other point in his favour is that I can't think of a better out of work manager at the moment, and as Lansdown failed to bang on Torquay's door and enquire about Leroy, I hardly think he'll do it now.

Just how long would you give him to get it right?

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if tinman was forced out by the sick fans then paul sturrock would be a disaster appointment because he believes in defensive negative football, he likes to play 5 4 1 or 4 5 1 and rely on work rate, size, experience, strength and set pieces and all that BUT WE DONT HAVE THE PLAYERS TO PLAY LIKE THIS! he hasnt got a clue about us or our players and he'd do so much worse than tinman that it could end up quite serious before he leaves us in a mess with no second thought

patience patience patience please, accept tinman and get behind him

we were 23rd in october in danny wilsons first season in charge

our luck will change sooner or later

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if tinman was forced out by the sick fans then paul sturrock would be a disaster appointment because he believes in defensive negative football, he likes to play 5 4 1 or 4 5 1 and rely on work rate, size, experience, strength and set pieces and all that BUT WE DONT HAVE THE PLAYERS TO PLAY LIKE THIS! he hasnt got a clue about us or our players and he'd do so much worse than tinman that it could end up quite serious before he leaves us in a mess with no second thought

patience patience patience please, accept tinman and get behind him

we were 23rd in october in danny wilsons first season in charge

our luck will change sooner or later

Paul Syurrock is not a negative manager he uses the players he has to the best of there ability,he would bring out the best in this squad.Plymouth ran away with this league with some very impressive displays,one including a 7-0 home win,that does not lean towards your argument of negative tactics

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QUOTE(Pewsham @ Aug 29 2004, 11:39 AM)

The attraction of Sturrock is his record with Plymouth. Lets be honest he transformed a side going nowhere in The Gas League to a side promoted as Champions in the old Divison 2. Not doing badly this season in the Championship League either!

At least Sturrock will weed out the bad (as he did at Plymouth), and get this team moving forward again. The other point in his favour is that I can't think of a better out of work manager at the moment, and as Lansdown failed to bang on Torquay's door and enquire about Leroy, I hardly think he'll do it now.

Just how long would you give him to get it right?

The rest of this season seems reasonable. That's all it took at Plymouth before everything turned up rosy! Under Tinnion we seem to be heading toward where Plymouth started

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we were 23rd in october in danny wilsons first season in charge

Correct! - BUT Wilson had to sort out the mess left by Tony Puklis! Tinman inherited a squad that was almost over the winning line! Yes fine tuning was required to make us a bit more adventurous - not eh sledge hammer approach that he has stubbornly gone forward with so far!

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Guest The Panther

Any club that doesn't go for Sturrock is mad.

As an Argyle fan I'd like to clear up some confusion over our "boring team".

Firstly, it took him about 12 games at the end of a season to sort the club out. We won the league the next season, with 102 points, the second highest ever. Such memories of boredom! He came in took 2 players out of the reserves and made them play in the first team. Then built a team that has cruised through the 2 leagues.

In response to "boring" we have won 2 leagues in 3 years. We won last years league by 7 points scoring 85 goals. That is almost 2 goals a game.

Between Oct 11 and Jan 24 this was our boring run

W 6-0

W 4-0

W 5-1

W 3-1

W 1-0

D 2-2

D 2-2

L 2-3

L 0-3 (this resulted in a memorable Sturrock outburst where I believe some players were threatened with death if things didn't improve!)

W 2-0

W 2-0

W 3-2

W 3-0

W 2-0

W 2-0

W 7-0

D 0-0

W 3-0

W 2-0

It ain't boring if your team always looks like they can score!

Go and get Sturrock before someone else does!

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

We wont bring in Sturrock, We'll leave it and things will either come good, or we'll appoint someone else with City connections - How amaturish!

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Guest The Panther
We wont bring in Sturrock, We'll leave it and things will either come good, or we'll appoint someone else with City connections - How amaturish!

We did that before we appointed Sturrock.

We appointed Kevin Hodges. Fantastic Argyle player. Never played for anyone else. Played 600+ times for us in the 80's and 90's, player of the year, divisional team etc. Legend as a player, dreadful manager.

It wasn't until Cheltenham on several occasionsput 4 or 5 past us, Barnet, Northampton and several other teams that wouldn't look out of place in the non-league murdered us at Home Park, and we didn't win away for over 13 months that the board did something sensible and interviewed some good candidates.

Sturrock was on a massive wage before he left Dundee, no way could Argyle agree match it in the 3rd division. We went to him with an offer (#### wages essentially), a 5 year plan and a promise that we could be a big club.

The rest, as they say, is history!

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Fair play to Plymouth, you are a phoenix, the team, the stadium, the whole club - We're stuck in neutral in all aspects right now, reeling out the same old excuses - Money, Local council blah blah blah

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paul sturrock would be a disaster appointment because he believes in defensive negative football

I don't think Sturrock plays defensive/negative football. Last season they scored 85 goals and went up with 90 points. Several of their winning games were thrashings, they scored 27 more goals than City and their good was better by over 20.

At the moment we're on course for 18 points by the end of May. I think I know which I'd prefer.

Also 'theghostofbrianmitchell', I don't think you can compare Alex Ferguson to Tinnion as you have done on the SteveL forum. His Aberdeen side and McClean's Dundee United (including a young Paul Sturrock and Ralph Milne) were so successful they were hailed as the 'New Firm'!

Alex Ferguson had won 3 championships in 6 years and the Cup-winners Cup by the time he'd arrived at Old Trafford - rather better than Tinnion's management record and deserving of far more patience.

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Guest theghostofbrianmitchell

carey,brown,burnell,peacock all important players lost....butler,bell,wilkshire,goodfellow,coles,doherty all important players out....tinman is doing well!

by the way plymouth scored most of their goals from set pieces

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Guest theghostofbrianmitchell

carey,brown,burnell,peacock all important players lost....butler,bell,wilkshire,goodfellow,coles,doherty all important players out....tinman is doing well!

by the way plymouth scored most of their goals from set pieces

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"theghostofbrianmitchell" appears to be basing his assesment of Plymouth on their 2 performances against us last season & popular myths perpetuated by bitter managers looking for excuses why their supposedly better teams were beaten by a team of so-called "journeymen".My only real objection to Sturrock joining us (apart from the kick in the teeth that it would represent to Tins) is that I'm sure he'd consider our dressing room so full of inflated egos that he'd have to carry out a major clear out - can't see Tommy;Roberts;Wilkshire etc warming to his style!?

It may have been "total football" but you can't argue with any team which has Argyle's record.I'd quite happily watch City thrashing sides with a succession of long-balls & set-pieces never mind countless goals from crosses!!

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Guest theghostofbrianmitchell

we tried to play like plymouth last season and it didnt work we were mid table until we went more positive because we dont have the players to be direct and long ball

we scored over 20 more goals than plymouth did last season in 2002 2003 remember when we werent being negative

paul sturrock or anybody else for that matter would be a disaster

tinman is doing well, the players arent

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Agreed.Tins hasn't really done anything wrong, except perhaps wasting £150K on a striker we didn't need and it's down to the players to sort it out.With his leadership on the pitch for a while, I'm sure we can do it. But were we eventually forced to go for a new manager I don't see how you can reasonably argue that anyone would be likelier to get us out of this division than Sturrock.

Tins doesn't appear to have the contacts to bring in quality players without spending more of the chairman's money which means that he's putting himself under a certain amount of extra pressure to get results quickly.Please let's have 3 points this afternoon to give us something to build on & to give BT some breathing space.

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Guest The Panther
by the way plymouth scored most of their goals from set pieces

This often gets said about us like it is a criticism! If teams can't defend corners properly then of course we will stick the ball in!

We have a centre half who can strike a dead ball and has scored around 12 - 15 goals for each of the last 3 seasons from 35 yards or in. That is a fantasitic sight.

Secondly, all corners are swung into the far post, under the cross bar with pressure on the keeper. Quite often all hell lets loose. This also is entertaining. Can someone please explain why scoring from set pieces is looked down on by so called "bigger clubs".

What do you do with your set pieces - try and score I imagine like everyone else!

Congratulations on the result today.

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if tinman was forced out by the sick fans then paul sturrock would be a disaster appointment because he believes in defensive negative football, he likes to play 5 4 1 or 4 5 1 and rely on work rate, size, experience, strength and set pieces and all that BUT WE DONT HAVE THE PLAYERS TO PLAY LIKE THIS! he hasnt got a clue about us or our players and he'd do so much worse than tinman that it could end up quite serious before he leaves us in a mess with no second thought

patience patience patience please, accept tinman and get behind him

we were 23rd in october in danny wilsons first season in charge

our luck will change sooner or later

Because Plymouth aint got the same resources dummy, speaking from a teams prespective as well as the managers, if you'd have take a look at Plymouth's squad there is little room for Injuries or suspensions or WHY, if they get 1 or 2 players out they are screwd basically they don't / didn't have the luxury of other quality players coming in and filling there boots!, say for example we did have Paul Sturrock appointed as the Bristol City Manager do you realy think he would play a 5-4-1, 5-3-2 orSimular Defencive formation, I don't think so! :ph34r:

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