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Tinman Is Trouble

Guest AussieRed

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Guest AussieRed

This appointment has been doomed from the start.

In my opinion, Tinman was never that popular as a player at Bristol City. For all his faults, I think Danny was well respected by the players, especially the young Bristol contingent of Phillips, Hill, Coles and Doherty.

I think the "Bristol boys" are probably of the opinion that Tins brown-nosed his way to the top job, as he has always had an ear close to the boardroom. Remember, he was set for the job before Danny was appointed with at least two board members favouring his appointment.

In today's game, especially in the Premiership, player-power rules. Now the board faces a difficult dilemma. You either back your manager by giving him time to move on all the non-believers or you appoint somebody else from outside.

As we are talking about a number of dissenters, I would favour the second option. How about being brave and offering the job to someone like Nigel Clough who plays good football and is an up and coming manager?

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i see your point, but if so the players should stop being

so petty and get on a play football if not put the sodding lot

of them in the reserves and play our glous cup kids team

that beat the gas 5-2 with them having 8 first teamers playing..

mabe steve lansdown should go in that dressing room monday

and remined them who pays their sodding wages and bang their heads

together the lot of them.

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Guest Lockerman

Well said Aussie Red I have said all along that the appointment was doomed, and i have said many times in the past that BT was only looking after himself, and that somewhere along the line he orchestrated the whole thing, Get rid of Danny and I will take over for less money and get the team promoted. Wrong I mean relegated.

This appointment has been doomed from the start.

In my opinion, Tinman was never that popular as a player at Bristol City.  For all his faults, I think Danny was well respected by the players, especially the young Bristol contingent of Phillips, Hill, Coles and Doherty. 

I think the "Bristol boys" are probably of the opinion that Tins brown-nosed his way to the top job, as he has always had an ear close to the boardroom.  Remember, he was set for the job before Danny was appointed with at least two board members favouring his appointment.

In today's game, especially in the Premiership, player-power rules.  Now the board faces a difficult dilemma.  You either back your manager by giving him time to move on all the non-believers or you appoint somebody else from outside.

As we are talking about a number of dissenters, I would favour the second option.  How about being brave and offering the job to someone like Nigel Clough who plays good football and is an up and coming manager?

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