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Go For It Tinman!


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Tinnions interview says it all for me, there are players here who have other things on their mind and don't want to work for the team, this team should be somewhere near the top but there are a few clowns out there that are letting him down big time!!

Tinnion is a 100%er on the pitch and expects quite rightly, every man to do his job, he may not be the same player he once was, but you can guarantee he will put the effort in, how on earth are we going to win games if these clowns keep switching off at set pieces every week, they train at them all through the week but don't do it on the weekend, that's not the managers fault, that's lazy defending and I'm sick of it like everyone else, especially our manager.

I'm with him on this, if these big time charlies don't want to play for him or this club, put in your transfer request now so he knows who wants to play for this club and who would rather be somewhere else. What more does he have to do with these players for them to concentrate at corners and free kicks, I'm sure the manager would like to have the chance of taking a back seat on the bench and watch his players put in the effort to get the results, but obviously he can't because they just aren't willing to go in where it hurts for 90 minutes.

So I'm backing Tinnion to get rid of these clowns who don't want to be part of Bristol City, let them join Aaron Brown on the greener grass side of the fence, ship up or ###### off! :rolleyes:

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I couldnt go to Port Vale yesterday due to other commitments, and in the end listened to the game on the radio.

I felt so many things after the game, including anger and sadness. I needed something to pick me up, to give me a reason to turn up tomorrow, and then it happened, Tinman came on and really let himself know how he felt about the game and the club.

I am a manager of a Sunday league side and get very frustrated when things we work on in training aren't put into action during the matches, and Tinman was right to criticise his players for falling asleep at set pieces and generally not performing to the same levels we have seen him do for us over the past 11 years.

It happens at every level, when a team is doing well, the players get the credit, but when the team is losing, the manager gets it in the neck. I've also heard rumours about players not wanting to play for Tinman. If this is true then ship them out, like Ferguson did with Beckham, because not one person is bigger than club.

I dont think its also helped that Tinman has had an inexperienced number two, but with a little bit of guts from the board can easily rectify this problem by making Millen a coach again, and bringing someone in with experience, and I'm not talking about getting Paul Sturrock either!

We need to show Tinman that we're behind him tomorrow and that the problem lies with the players. I don't mean boo the players, but perhaps sing 'Tinman is a ###t head' for about 10/15 minutes to let him know we're behind him. I'm pretty sure the players will then realise that if the fans are on his side, then they're going to have to play well, otherwise they might start turning on them.

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Guest larsltd

tinman gets my support,

professional athletes who smoke and drink all the time need to wake up.

bout time the boss told them so, and i hope the players listen rather than walk.

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Guest Pjj171086

He's got my support !!!

I think promotion is definatley still on, we just need to find a team that can win and if we sign Wellens and the mystery striker than our squad will be far too good for this league !

Come on City !!!!


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He's got my support !!!

I think promotion is definatley still on, we just need to find a team that can win and if we sign Wellens and the mystery striker than our squad will be far too good for this league !

Come on City !!!!

:rolleyes:  :)  :laugh:  :D  ;)

"we just need to find a team that can win" ....Arsenal, gas..................

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Tinman has been my favourate player at the gate for years. Not only player but person. If he werent playing then I'm sure he would be on the stands with us. He is as big a city fan as any of us on here. Granted, a love for the club will not be enough but i believe he has the ability and dedication to do well for our club. He has my backing %110

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