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Better The Devil You Know


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When the city players retire from the easy life they have as proffesioal football players and the money they get from it will no longer be there they will have to go out and get a proper job, and with that they may have a good boss or a bad boss, if they get a good boss I hope they look after him better than they look after the boss they have at the moment because if their good boss gets the bullet they might end up with a bad un like Pulis. The point is PLAYERS, it is better the devil you know and when you grow up a bit you may relise this and I hope that it is not too late, believe me I know what it is like to work for a Jerk and hoped my old boss was back, if you are not giving %100 for BT then at least give it for the fans who work hard to support you and the club we love. :rolleyes::):laugh::D;);):(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

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